Fix 1: Turn off color filters in Windows Settings If your screen suddenly turns black and white when you’re using your Windows 10 PC, especially when you’re copying files using the shortcut keyCtrl+C, you may accidentally trigger thecolor filtersfeature by pressing its shortcut key (The ...
Do you get a blue screen of death problem with WHEA uncorrectable error in Windows 10 or Windows 11? This page offers you 6 solutions to fix WHEA uncorrectable error in Windows 10 with Windows repair services, resetting memory, fixing system files, etc.
Full stepsIf you're having problems with Windows 10 on your PC or you want a fresh copy of Windows 10, you can reinstall Windows 10 to try to fix your issues and return your PC to a cleaner state.💡Further Reading: How to Reinstall Windows 10 Without Losing Programs...
To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click ASUS YouTube video link below to know more about How to Fix Blue Screen Errors in Windows. go to the corresponding instruction based on the current Windows operating system on ...
If the device crashes and a blue screen error is displayed, please refer toTroubleshooting - How to fix Blue Screen Errors in Windows (BSOD). Table of Contents: Remove accessories and Update BIOS / Windows packages / drivers to the latest version ...
Can Windows 10 Storage Spaces be moved to another computer? Can't add my current email as a new alias Can't boot to C: drive can't boot, can't update, can't fix, can't sleep Can't change the resolution of my second screen, even when it's selected. Can't delete scheduled task...
If you’re having problems displaying HDR content from your PC, here are things you can try to fix them. Select any item, and it'll open to display more information: You’re invited to try Microsoft 365 for free Unlock now
Check the log for the reason of failure and fix it. Updating How do I update without losing any of my apps and data on Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) [!IMPORTANT] Make sure that WSA has been turned off from the settings and that tools such has WSA-System-Control, WSA-Sideloader,...
使用此 AppWindow 物件,您可以存取標題列自訂 API。若要存取標題列的其他功能,您可以從 XAML 視窗使用 AppWindow API,如下所示:AppWindow.TitleBar.ForegroundColor = Colors.White;。如果您不是使用 WinUI 3 1.3 或更新版本,請使用 Interop API 來取得 AppWindow,並使用 AppWindow API 來自訂標題列。 如需 ...
Are you facing the issue of Windows 10 screen recording not working? If YES, don't worry; this post will walk around the possible causes for the error and tell you practical solutions to fix the problem. Keep reading and get your problem fixed!