近日,海外知名社区 Reddit 的 PWA 版本上架了 Windows 11/Windows 10 应用商店,从商店页面可以看到,Reddit PWA 版本需要微软 Edge 浏览器才可以运行,也就是像网站一样。 这一上架对普通用户来说似乎没有什么大的关系,毕竟可以直接访问 Reddit 的 PWA 网页,并将其添加到系统应用列表,就像IT之家的 PWA 版本。 不...
超简单硬盘克隆教程图解-百度经验jingyan.baidu.com/article/ac6a9a5e11e15c2b643eac48.html 然后从新的SSD启动(可以先将原硬盘拔下来,进入系统之后再插上。大多数硬盘都支持热插拔),格式化原来的硬盘即可。 有些人会问,我直接复制粘贴C盘下所有文件夹不好吗? 系统文件是有所属权限的(如System或Trusted Insta...
周末的时候,这幅三格漫画迅速走红网络。它的出处,可以追溯到Reddit用户shenanigansen在2014年发布的帖子。 原版漫画并没有“微软方块色”和“Win10蓝”Logo,但是加上去之后,反而更加地传神了。 (面向Windows 7和Windows 8.1用户的Windows 10一年免费升级活动,将于7月29号结束。感兴趣的网友请抓住最后2个月的机会,大...
Besides, in Control Panel, the steps for setting up File History in Windows 11 are the same as in Windows 10. The only difference is the address of File History in the Control Panel. File History in Windows 11 (current build 10.0.22000.120) locates inControl Panel > All Control Panel Item...
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Source: Reddit How to play MP4 on Windows 11? Now that you know why MP4 files not playing on Windows 11/10, let us learn how to fix the error can’t play MP4 files on Windows. Method 1: Update the Media Player Sometimes the Media Players you are using might be outdated, and this...
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1月 5 日消息,黑客滥用微软 Win10 / Win11 系统中内置的错误报告工具 Windows Problem Reporting(WerFault.exe),通过 DLL 旁加载技术在受感染设备的内存上运行恶意软件。 黑客首先通过合法的 Windows 可执行文件来启动恶意软件,整个过程并不会触发任何警告,从而隐蔽的感染设备。K7 Security Labs 安全公司...
You can ask a question or answer other questions by creating your profile on Reddit. The platform gives clear ideas about things that might confuse you. Today, we have come up with theBest Free VPN for Windows 11as per Reddit Users. ...
Step 1: Then typeControl Panelin the search bar of Windows 10/11 and enter it. Step 2: Point toView byand selectLarge icons. ChooseBackup and Restore (Windows 7)from its main interface. Step 3: In theBack up or restore your filessection, look forSet up backupand click it. ...