周末的时候,这幅三格漫画迅速走红网络。它的出处,可以追溯到Reddit用户shenanigansen在2014年发布的帖子。 原版漫画并没有“微软方块色”和“Win10蓝”Logo,但是加上去之后,反而更加地传神了。 (面向Windows 7和Windows 8.1用户的Windows 10一年免费升级活动,将于7月29号结束。感兴趣的网友请抓住最后2个月的机会,大...
This article explains how to download the official Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft servers using different methods. The Media Creation Tool downloads the latest version of Windows 10/11 by default. You can also use Rufus or other third-party tools to accomplish the task. Using the...
However, Win10 File History in Windows Settings allows users to select files on other non-system volumes with theAdd a folderoption while we haven’t found any corresponding option in Windows 11 File History. Thus, if you want to protect other files outside of the certain folders selected by...
超简单硬盘克隆教程图解-百度经验jingyan.baidu.com/article/ac6a9a5e11e15c2b643eac48.html 然后从新的SSD启动(可以先将原硬盘拔下来,进入系统之后再插上。大多数硬盘都支持热插拔),格式化原来的硬盘即可。 有些人会问,我直接复制粘贴C盘下所有文件夹不好吗? 系统文件是有所属权限的(如System或Trusted Insta...
MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro: how to easily decide which to buy Windows 11 vs. Windows 10: Is it finally time to update? Because Microsoft sells Windows licenses to more or less any PC manufacturer to load on desktops, tablets, thebest laptops, and everything in between, you can get ...
Link State Power Managementis widely used on laptops to extend battery life by powering down the PCIe serial link in case of no traffic across the device. But this feature can cause crashes like Windows update crashing Windows 10/11. So, try to disable this option on your PC to see if ...
2、在这些网站上设置关键词提醒,如“Windows 11更新”、“Windows最新消息”等,以便第一时间获取相关资讯。 第四步:利用社交媒体和在线社区 1、加入与Windows系统相关的社交媒体群组或论坛(如Reddit的Windows社区),与其他用户交流并获取最新的消息和讨论。
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Source: Reddit How to play MP4 on Windows 11? Now that you know why MP4 files not playing on Windows 11/10, let us learn how to fix the error can’t play MP4 files on Windows. Method 1: Update the Media Player Sometimes the Media Players you are using might be outdated, and this...
https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/g7qn9e/looks_like_version_2004_fixes_100_disc_usage/ via.Reddit 微软称,还将继续以其他方式改进Windows 10搜索,并且Windows Search改进在很大程度上是一个持续的过程。 目前,Windows 10 Version 2004已经面向Release Preview通道用户开放,将在5月份开始推送。