This graph shows the market share of windows versions in Cyprus from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Win10 has 69.86%, Win11 has 28.87% and Win7 has 1.06%.
This graph shows the market share of windows versions in Reunion from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Win10 has 49.75%, Win11 has 49.13% and Win7 has 0.76%.
Windows 10 is the most popular Windows desktop operating system, accounting for a market share of around 65 percent as of July 2024. The share of devices running the older Windows 7 OS has slipped over the past year, with the newer Windows 11 running on around 31 percent of devices. ...
市场调研机构NetMarketShare发布全球桌面操作系统最新数据显示,Windows 10操作系统再创新高,市场份额已经达到了51.94%。也就是说,全球有超过一半的电脑正在运行windows 10系统。 Windows10系统份额已超50% 而新增的这些Windows10用户大多数来自Windows7系统。数据显示,Windows 7的市场份额已从上...
市场调研机构NetMarketShare发布全球桌面操作系统最新数据显示,Windows 10操作系统再创新高,市场份额已经达到了51.94%。也就是说,全球有超过一半的电脑正在运行windows 10系统。Windows10系统份额已超50% 而新增的这些Windows10用户大多数来自Windows7系统。数据显示,Windows 7的市场份额已从上个月的37.2%下降至36....
根据NetMarketShare 最新发布的操作系统份额报告,可见近年来份额不断下滑的 Windows XP 于 2017 年 5 月份创下了新低(-7%),仅剩 5.66% 。与此同时,Windows 10 和 Windows 7 的份额出现了双增长(+0.5% / +0.96%)。尽管微软一直在大力鼓动客户向最新的 Windows 10 操作系统迁移(26.78%),但 Windows 7 的用...
Netmarketshare发布了2020年1月的桌面操作系统和浏览器市场份额统计报告。数据显示,Windows10市场份额大幅跃升,同时,Chrome市场份额略有下降。随着Windows 7支持终止,越来越多的用户正在切换到Windows10。该操作系统目前占据57.08%的市场份额,其次是Windows7,占有25.66%市场份额。 Windows 8.1排名第三,市场份额为...
NetMarketShare的2018年11月份的数据今天已经出炉,Windows 10份额几乎没有悬念地继续上涨,达到38.14%,然而,本月Windows 7的使用率从39.35%下降至38.89%。这意味着不久之后,Windows 10就会最终超越Windows 7,本月两者之间的差异降至0.75%。这对微软来说无疑是一个好消息,他们一直以来试图鼓励用户迁移到Windows 10。
Windows 10 reaches 8% market share, but adoption is slowing down 02 November, 2015 Windows 10 has been around for a good three months now and Microsoft hasn't skipped on any opportunities to boast its growing popularity. About a month ago, Executive VP Terry Myerson pointed out that the OS...
Current figures from Netmarketshare reveal that Windows 10 now has about 7.94% market share on the desktop scene. This is a veritable achievement, considering the aforementioned short timeframe, but is still far from the whopping 55.71% of Windows 7 and even the 10.68% of Windows 8....