1、Windows更新重置脚本:(Windows 更新重置脚本修复更新组件,该脚本将自动重置与 Windows 更新关联的所有服务) https://windowsreport.com/windows-update-problems-fix-windows-update-reset-script/ 2、windows 更新问题(微软官方): https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/%E8%A7%A3%E5%86%B3%E6%9B%B4%...
RunPowerShellScript运行 PowerShell 脚本 DisableNLA禁用网络级身份验证 DisableWindowsUpdate禁用 Windows 更新自动更新 EnableAdminAccount检查本地管理员帐户是否被禁用,如果是,则启用它。 EnableEMS启用 EMS EnableRemotePS配置计算机以启用远程 PowerShell。
--现在选择应用程序和功能,然后向下滚动,直到找到Microsoft Store。 --选择它并单击Advanced Options并选择Reset按钮。 --完成后,重置您的机器。 3.重置Windows Update服务 --从开始菜单中选择运行。 --在框中键入services.msc,然后按Enter键。 --在“服务(本地)”选项卡中,单击“Windows Update”,然后选择“重新...
The Windows Update site control is missing or is damaged on your computer. The Hosts file is damaged or contains incorrect information. There are missing or damaged Internet Explorer files that display the script on the page. Resolution
After resuming one update type, you can select Resume again to resume the other update type. Extend While an update ring is paused, you can selectExtendto reset the pause period for both feature and quality updates for that update ring to 35 days. ...
I have been using a the wsusscn2.cab file and WUA in a script for years to determine the latest non-superseded applicable UpdatesIDs so that I can download them and bring them to my offline networks. Now that we are moving to Windows 11 it seems to me… ...
HiWin 10 Pro, part of SBS 2011 domain.When I run Windows Update I get below error. I have deleted content of and even renamed ** C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution **folder but no luck.How can I fix this please?ThanksRegardsAll replies (2)...
注册表路径为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment,创建一个键为:UserInitMprLogonScript,其键值为我们要启动的程序路径 效果如下 屏幕保护程序 在对方开启屏幕保护的情况下,我们可以修改屏保程序为我们的恶意程序从而达到后门持久化的目的 其中屏幕保护的配置存储在注册表中,其位置为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop...
Restore script Save the following code as a file that is named RestoreZoneTransferSettings.ps1. PowerShellCopy # Begin Scriptparam([string]$ZoneName="test2.com")#Build the vars$SourceRoot="HKCU:\DNSZoneConfigMigration\"$SourceKeyPath=$SourceRoot+$ZoneName$DestinationRoot="HKLM:\Softw...