打开trackpad电源开关 在win上搜索trackpad名字连接 也可插着线使用 如此在win上magic trackpad 2就可...
Win10 19H1新特性:Windows控制台能缩放了 IT之家11月1日消息 常规Windows控制台用户现在有了一个好消息。微软已添加使用Control + Mouse Scroll Wheel/TrackPad组合放大屏幕内容的功能。随着屏幕分辨率的进一步提高,使得基于文本的用户界面更难以阅读,放大屏幕已成为越来越迫切的需求。该功能是Windows 10 Insider版本1...
微软Win10 19H1新特性:Windows控制台能缩放了 IT之家11月1日消息 常规Windows控制台用户现在有了一个好消息。微软已添加使用Control + Mouse Scroll Wheel/TrackPad组合放大屏幕内容的功能。随着屏幕分辨率的进一步提高,使得基于文本的用户界面更难以阅读,放大屏幕已成为越来越迫切的需求。 该功能是Windows 10 Insider版...
What happens now in Photoshop is that the horizontal scroll is also incorrectly reversed if you choose to reverse your trackpad's vertical scroll direction. This is clearly a bug as the behavior doesn't take place in any other Adobe products. Someone mistakenly must ...
I have a Surface Laptop 2, and the track pad is amazing, but when I try to scroll on a large document for a school textbook (1008 pages), it will zip almost to the bottom of the doc in one swipe across the track pad. This laptop was just replaced and the pr...
本人在 Macbook Pro 13 Retina上面用Boot Camp 安装了Windows 10 Trackpad 不好用,需要自己把scroll...
设置全局滚动高度1.最常用的方法window.scrollTo(0, 0); // or window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 100 });2.利用相对滚动设置window.scrollBy(0, 0); // or window.scrollBy({ left: 0, top: 100 });3.利用scrollTop设置document.scro 前端 移动端 滚动条事件 浏览器 函数节流 转载 jkfox 1...
way of navigating applications and the web. Primarily focused to help users in situations where they can’t use a mouse, it allows you to navigate with only the keyboard. Even if you’re on a bumpy car ride or simply don’t have a mouse or trackpad nearby, Caret Browsing can help ...
If you have a mouse or a trackpad, you can make the right side of the Start menu either wider or taller; just grab the right edge or the top edge and drag. (In the initial release of Windows 10, you can’t enlarge the Start menu with your finger on a touchscreen.) Make the ri...
I cannot right click using two fingers for the track pad and I cannot scroll. The keyboard doesn't light up, and the F keys don't function to change the volume or monitor brightness. Somehow my wifi is working. I take my USB that has the bootcamp software and it only allows me to ...