安装扩展 SVG Viewer Extension for Windows Explorer(官网地址) *部分win10没有效果需要清理缩略图配置缓存(记得重启下电脑)。 参考链接https://www.thewindowsclub.com/rebuild-icon-clear-thumbnail-cache-windows-10。
每次把SVG的图片放大win系统的文件夹中,看到的都是一坨浏览器的图标,真是无语,想看具体的图标样式还得一个一个用浏览器打开,太费劲了,这里推荐一个插件,只要安装,文件夹svg图标立马会和png图标一样实现预览效果,如下图所示: 全是svg图片,安装扩展插件名称为SVG Viewer Extension for Windows Explorer 官网地址下...
SVG support in Windows10 file explorer When we open a folder in windows 10 with bunch of svg images, i have to open each of them individually to know what image that is. It would be great if we had support for preview all of these images in one go using Extra Large/Large Icons from...
SVG support in Windows10 file explorer When we open a folder in windows 10 with bunch of svg images, i have to open each of them individually to know what image that is. It would be great if we had support for preview all of these images in one go using Extra Large/Large Icons fr...
文件格式:ai,b64,bmp,bpg,cur,cut,dib,emf,eps,exif,exr,gif,hdr,heic,ico,jfif,jp2,jpe,jpeg,jpg,pbm,pcx,pgm,png ,ppm,psd,svg 等。 4. Windows 7 Photo Viewer for Win10 对于许多人来说,Windows 7 上的简单照片查看器是查看图像的最佳应用程序。 它是快速,高效的,并且没有任何大惊小怪。 如果...
ID3D10Include::Close method (Windows) Operator[] function (Windows) RASPPPIPV6 structure (Windows) IFillLockBytes::RemoteFillAt method (Windows) DWordToInt function (Windows) IControlMarkup::GetState method (Windows) IControlMarkup::SetText method (Windows) IntToULongLong function (Windows) I...
1. Windows Photo Viewer This is the default photo watcher presented by the Windows 7 or 8.1 adaptation. This doesn't show up with Windows 10 or 11. Notwithstanding, assuming you've updated from the past forms to Windows 10, you might in any case have the choice to get it back. the ...