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Free Download Windows 10 SuperLite Compact (Ghost Spectre) 32-bit / 64-bit ISO, it is a light & compact Windows 10 crafted for gaming needs. Overview of Windows 10 Lite The super lite edition has been created for gamers, many functionalities of Windows 10 have been removed to reduce size...
Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite Version Win 10 AIO Version (22H2, 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 20H1) (Stable Release) 64-Bit Edition:Superlite, Compact, Without Defender Build:1904X.5487 Architecture:x64 Language:en-US Size:4 GB ...
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v1 = log10_0((double)dword_1800D61C8) * 35.0; v2 = v1 / log10_0(2.0); v3 = (int)v2 + 1; v4 = 0; if ( v2 <= (double)(int)v2 ) v3 = (int)v2; LOBYTE(v4) = (v3 & 7) != 0; LODWORD(dwBytes) = (v3 >> 3) + v4; // dwBytes is a fixed value 21 ...
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