2 还有另一个可能就是我们先前安装的SW没有彻底删除成功。要彻底删除SW注册表里的信息,有个简单的方法。同时点击【windows】+【r】打开运行。3 进如注册表之后打开【HKEY_CURRENT_USER】下的【Software】。4 在 software中找到solidworks文件夹,右击鼠标删除即可。5 然后在第三个注册表信息中找到所有与SW有关的...
Windows Installer 5.0 PowerShell 5.1 Use Windows 10 features in your installers Gain access to the latest Windows features, effortlessly attune your software with most modern devices: for Advanced Installer VSTO Add-ins for Office 2016 EnableWindows Featuresfor Windows 10 Modern UI look and feel cap...
演示系统:Windows10教育版 方法/步骤 1 打开"运行"对话框,输入"regedit"指令。2 进入到"注册表编辑器"。3 依次展开"计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products"节点。4 展开"Products"节点下面任意一个32位十六进制格式串码标识。5 选择"InstallP...
1 在Windows10桌面,依次点击“开始/Windows系统/控制面板”菜单项。2 在打开的控制面板窗口中,点击卸载程序快捷链接。3 在打开的卸载程序窗口中,看一下是否iTunes、Apple Application Support 、QuickTime、Apple SoftWare Update、Apple Mobile Device Support、Bonjour、相关的应用没有卸载干净,如果有的话,请先对其...
以Windows10操作为例:1、打开电脑桌面,如图所示,点击 启动-控制面板菜单项。2、进入页面,如图所示, 单击 "卸载程序" 。3、在打开的卸载程序窗口中,将有QuickTime、Apple SoftWare Update、Apple Mobile Device Support、Bonjour应用全部卸载。4、右键单击左下角的 "开始" ,然后选择 "运行" 菜单项...
若方法一后更新仍无法进行,可以再根据如下步骤,确认BITS、Windows Update、Windows Installer、Software Protection等服务设置是否开启。如果未开启则需要将其打开。①按下Win+R组合键并输入运行“services.msc”命令。 双击打开“Background Intelligent Transfer Services”服务。请点击输入图片描述 ②点击“...
Step 4.Enter the following command in the Edge installer folder: setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall Step 5.Press Enter, and you can successfully remove Microsoft Edge from your Windows 10 system.
There is no redistributable for Windows Installer 5.0. This version is included with the OS in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later client and server releases (including Windows 10).Obtaining the Windows Installer Redistributable (4.5 and earlier)You can find all the available Windows Ins...
a Redistributable for Windows Installer 4.5 and earlier, seeWindows Installer Redistributables. There's no Redistributable for Windows Installer 5.0. This version is included with the operating system in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later client and server releases, including Windows 10. ...
win10安装itunes提示此windows installer程序包有问题无法安装,该怎么办呢?出现这样的提示我们首先可以重新下截ITUNES安装程序尝试重装,最重要的是要下载当前系统对应的版本,如win10 64位就下载itunes 64位专用的,反之则下载itunes X86版本的。若问题依旧则是系统中存在问题导致的,我们可以这样解决: ...