按下 Windows 徽标键 + R,键入“ms-settings:”,然后选择“确定”。这将打开“设置”。依次选择“帐户” >“改用本地帐户登录”。键入 Microsoft 帐户密码,并选择“下一步” 。选择新的帐户名称、密码和密码提示,然后选择“完成并注销” 。详细操作步骤可参考《Win10改用本地账户登录的方法》创建新管理员帐...
因此,强烈建议进入到Settings>“隐私”>“语音”,并将其切换为Off,禁用在线语音识别功能,如下所示。 图5. 禁用在线语音识别 限制诊断数据 微软表示,收集软硬件诊断数据以改善设备上的Windows体验。 Windows 10允许你控制收集有关你、应用程序和设备的哪种诊断数据。 要管理诊断数据,进入到Settings>“隐私”>“诊断和...
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/764d3fec-a7f4-4108-9dce-c0a8b6ed734f/after-windows-10-build-10240-installation-start-menu-taskbar-ms-settings-not-working-and-some?forum=win10itprosetup ningsun2011 颇具名气 6 没有遇到过这种问题。 语软声低lgm 闻名一方 11 马克 waln...
The Windows 10 start menu not working or not opening is a common problem for many users. How to fix Windows 10 start menu not working effectively? Here’s what you can do: restart Windows Explorer, run SFC or DISM tools to fix corrupted system files, che
Here's a typical desktop with the Windows 10 Start menu.To start customizing how that looks/feels, click "Settings"…… then Personalization …… and then click Start. From here, we'll start to tinker with some of the Start options:...
It makes perfect sense to add this item to your Start menu so you have quick access to it. Figure 1-6. You can add other important folders to your Start menu. Choose →Settings. In the Settings window (top right), choose Personalization. On the next screen, click Start. Finally, ...
Settings for the Windows start menu. In this section TopicDescription ShowPowerButton ShowPowerButtonspecifies whether the Power Options button is visible on the Start Screen. UseClassicAppearance UseClassicAppearancespecifies whether the newStart Panelor the classicStartmenu appears when theStartbutton is...
did you change startmenu settings recently ? did you install windows update on win10 then cause your issue?3.can you share how do you customize startmenu so that other people can reproduce your issue? 4.we can use below link method to verify your technet forum account so that you can po...
## reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Half-Life\Settings /v dms /t REG_SZ /d test /...