如果螢幕遇到頻率設定問題,請使用以下步驟設置最準確的速率: 1.打開設置。 2.點擊系統。 3.點擊顯示。 4.點擊進階顯示設置鏈接。 5.點擊“顯示1的顯示適配器屬性”鏈接。 快速提示:除了分辨率,位深和顏色格式外,在此頁面中,您還可以查看顯示器上當前設置的刷新率。 6.單擊“監視器”選項卡。 7.在“顯示...
在“Monitor settings(显示器设置)”下,单击“Screen refresh rate(屏幕刷新率)”下拉菜单。 从可用选项中选择 所需的刷新率 ,然后单击 应用。 当您被告知 Windows 正在调整刷新率时,单击 确定。 返回页首 解决方案 更改字体和图标大小 调整Windows 11 和 Wind...
Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7 Symptoms On a computer that is running Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows, you cannot change theScreen refresh ratefor certain monitors. Specifically, this behavior occurs on...
In Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows, when a user selects 60Hz, the OS stores a value of 59.94Hz. However, 59Hz is shown in theScreen refresh rateinControl Panel, even though the user selected 60Hz. Reso...
Screen refresh rate:Determines how many times the monitor displays an entire screen in one second. Higher refresh rates might be more pleasing to the eye, but cause the video hardware to work harder and use more resources. Select a lower rate that is compatible with the adapter. If you can...
该功能目前正在微软 Edge Canary 浏览器中进行测试,在 99 版本中出现了“Boost screen refresh rate when scrolling”Flag 标志,即“滚动时提升屏幕刷新率”。然而,它确实需要你的面板支持 VRR 并有合适的驱动程序。好消息是,许多较新的笔记本电脑已经支持该功能。要查看你的笔记本电脑是否支持 VRR 或 DRR。打开...
I have a laptop (a HP G1 850, with Intel HD Graphics 4400) which generally works fine, but because I had a slight issue with screen flickering, I adjusted the refresh rate to 40p hz when I was still using Windows 8. After updating to Windows 10 and installing the Intel Windows 10-...
In this article, we will review two methods which you can use to change the screen refresh rate in Windows 10, using the GUI, and with a command line tool.
该功能目前正在微软 Edge Canary 浏览器中进行测试,在 99 版本中出现了“Boost screen refresh rate when scrolling”Flag 标志,即“滚动时提升屏幕刷新率”。 然而,它确实需要你的面板支持 VRR 并有合适的驱动程序。好消息是,许多较新的笔记本电脑已经支持该功能。
RefreshRate specifies the screen refresh rate to apply to the graphics adapter.This setting is used to configure only Windows PE, and is not applied to the Windows installation. To change the display settings for the Windows installation, see Display Settings....