在该模式下用户只能通过Microsoft Store下载和安装应用程序,无法下载和安装.exe安装程序。 微软允许用户通过Microsoft Store上切换关闭S Mode,不过近期多位用户报告称该项功能已经被损坏,无法关闭S Mode进入全功能版 Windows 10系统。 在Reddit、Twitter和微软自家的Answer社区中,多名用户报告Microsoft Store上无法加载“登...
想必不少用户对Windows 10自带的“Game Mode(游戏模式)”依然熟悉,按照微软设想,游戏模式可智能调配CPU、内存、GPU、网络等资源,甚至添加了快捷截图、录屏、查看帧数等功能。尽管游戏模式早在2017年春季就首次上线正式版系统(Windows 10创意者更新),可时至今日,其优化情况似乎仍不完美。在Reddit上,不少用户反...
本文是《为什么要使用 Windows 10 的 214 条理由(https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/8500)》的续集。 本文中新闻来源主要是cnBeta,大家可以根据标题搜索。 新闻截止到2021年6月,本来想再更新的,但是——Win11发布了。 就在Win11发布前夕,使用Windows 10的理由突破了400条。 不管现在我对Win10的态度如何,不管做这...
an all-in-one media player for the Windows platform. You get advanced features like “drag and drop” and manual “Folder Size” setting. All is configurable. Files Manager for Windows 10. So, once you reach a professional level, File Explorer might seem to be a little backdated and ...
Windows 10 在初次使用的时候可以跳过网络连接设置,选择「离线账户」。这样可以避免微软账户的一些设置,但也会导致一些功能无法使用。而 Windows 11 在安装时──至少从 UI 来看──会强制要求连接网络并登录 Microsoft 账户。 如果你只想通过离线账户使用,或碰上微软服务抽风偏偏又无法登录的情况,在这一步可通过 Shi...
OP in that Reddit Thread also got it working, so with you it makes 3 instances. I even tried RadeonMod and enabled 10-Bit but that gave me a black screen, so I had to go back to Safe Mode to deactivate it. Would someone at AMD look into this for us? 1 Like Reply fei ...
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Credit: Microsoft There are many practical reasons to set up an OS likeMicrosoft Windowsin a VM rather than using it as a native installation. If you have...
Reddit Post Share Threads I need your support ♥ Donate To enable the Dark mode on Windows 10, openSettings (Windows key + I)>Personalization>Colorsand choose“Dark.” Or, with or without a Windows 10 activation, you can turn on the Dark mode by setting the“AppsUseLightTheme”and“Syst...