打开任意网页,点击右侧下拉菜单中的“大声朗读”(Read Aloud)按钮后 Edge 即可朗读全文。 12 月 9 日消息,日前,微软正式发布新版 Edge 浏览器(96.0.1054.34 版本)并向用户推送。 基于微软 Azure 神经网络文本转语音技术,Edge 支持用户实时将任意网页上的文字转换为语音。打开任意网页,点击右侧下拉菜单中的“大声朗读...
Linux就该这么学 2021-10-06 投诉 阅读数:2360 在近日更新的官方博文中,微软表示正在改进 Windows 端 Word 和 Outlook 中的 Read Aloud 功能,从而让朗读更加自然。 新的Read Aloud 目前已经邀请 Office Insider 用户在桌面端 Word 中测试使用,应该使用户更容易编写和审查文档。 微软改进Windows 端 Word ...
【中关村在线软件资讯】2月3日消息:微软在今天向Windows Insider成员推送了快速通道的Windows 10 Mobile Build 15025预览,与PC版同步。这次更新为Edge浏览器加入了朗读电子书的功能,当用户打开电子书后,点击屏幕右上角的“read aloud”按钮,就能从当前选中的行开始阅读。值得一提的是该功能支持中文语音。前段时间我...
ReadAloud is a very powerful text-to-speech app which can read aloud web pages, news, documents, e-books or your own custom contents. ReadAloud can help with your busy life by reading aloud your articles while you continue with your other tasks. This app
要访问该功能,请点击“Read Aloud”按钮(可以在Outlook的 "消息 "选项卡和Word的 "审阅 "选项卡上找到)。要在不同的语音选项之间进行切换,请选择信息或文档右上角的设置图标,并点击语音选择下拉菜单。注意:你必须连接到互联网才能使用这一功能)。 适用于 Word--使用语音进行搜索:在许多生产力应用程序中,使用语音...
在今天更新的官方博文中,微软表示正在改进 Windows 端 Word 和 Outlook 中的 Read Aloud 功能,从而让朗读更加自然。新的Read Aloud 目前已经邀请 Office Insider 用户在桌面端 Word 中测试使用,应该使用户更容易编写和审查文档。 Office Insider 团队解释说:“部分用户认为原来的 Read Aloud 太过机械化,你们正在寻找...
Today we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15025 for Mobile to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. What’s new in Build 15025 for Mobile Microsoft Edge can now read aloud:Microsoft Edge will now read aloud* your e-books just like on PC! Just press the “read aloud” bu...
O Microsoft Edge integrou recursos de acessibilidade de Ferramentas de Aprendizagem como Read Aloud e espaçamento de texto para facilitar a leitura, incluindo pessoas com diferenças de aprendizado como dislexia e aprendizes de inglês. Os livros estão disponíveis em todos os dispositivos ...
Microsoft Edge can now read web pages, e-books, and other documents out loud to make reading accessible to more people. To hear an e-book or PDF out loud, click or tap anywhere on the page and select the “Read aloud” button from the top-right corner. ...
and many more. It is possible to also read aloud in other languages like French, German, and Swedish. These languages are be solely downloaded, or at times installed with the Microsoft word processors. Once installed, the text to speech software will automatically detect them and offer the opt...