更新助手可以帮助你更新到最新版本的 Windows 10。要开始,请单击立即更新。 现在更新 创建Windows 10 安装媒体 要开始,你首先需要拥有安装 Windows 10 许可证。然后,你可以下载并运行媒体创建工具。有关如何使用该工具的详细信息,请参阅下面的说明。 *您在此网站上使用介质创建工具受本网站的Microsoft 使用条款的约束...
✅ Windows 10 pro Upgrade:I have windows 10 home single language laptop and I have to upgrade home edition to pro by using OEM product key. I have purchased this CD from genuine...
You might also wish to try a new tool available from Microsoft that helps to diagnose many Windows upgrade errors. For more information and to download this tool, seeSetupDiag. The topic is more advanced (300 level) because several advanced options are available for using the tool. However, ...
Microsoft has launched aMedia Creation Tool for Windows 10download and upgrade. You can upgrade your existing Windows OS using an upgrade option. It will save your existing Windows files from recovering in the future (if needed) and upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10 while keeping your...
1. 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor: Your CPU supports 64-bit and you have already installed the 64-bit version of Windows 10. So you don't need to upgrade. 2. 32-bit operating system, x64-based processor: Your CPU supports 64-bit, but you have installed the 32-bit ve...
获得比以往更好的 Windows 获取Windows 11 轻松工作、安心娱乐,度过美好的一天。使用直观易用的 Windows 11。 获取Windows 11 找到适合你的电脑 选择你的电脑 有一款电脑适合每个人。看看哪台电脑最适合你。 获取一台电脑 探索Windows 11 的功能 AI 触手可及,让你能随时随地获得最佳性能表现。使用 Windows 11 的...
To conclude, Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant is a very well-thought-out and very useful application that offers you one of the easiest ways to install the latest Windows update on your device. And the free software MiniTool ShadowMaker is the best backup tool for you to back up your system bef...
The inclusion of a free version allows users to experience some of the benefits before deciding to upgrade to the premium version. Ashampoo WinOptimizer Ashampoo WinOptimizeris a comprehensive tool designed to optimize and repair your Windows PC. With its wide range of features, it helps improve sy...
Meet Windows 11, the newest Windows version from Microsoft. Upgrade your PC to Windows 11, or explore which devices come equipped with Windows 11 features.
Step 1: To make a clean installation of Windows 10, you need todownload Media Creation Toolfrom the Microsoft Website. Then, use this tool to create a USB boot disk from an ISO file. How to Download Windows 10 ARM ISO for ARM Processors ...