According to the license agreement, the product keys for the retail editions of XP can only be used on one PC, but the ones for VOL editions can be supplied for any number of PCs for use. Second, retail edition of XP need activation, while VOL editions don't implement this concept. La...
Disclaimer:HardeningKitty tries to restore the original configuration. This works quite well with registry keys and Hardening Kitty really tries its best. But the backup function is not a snapshot and does not replace a real system backup. It is not possible to restore the system 1:1 with Ha...
Key Management Service(简称:KMS) 是一款支持Office2013,Office2016,Win7,Win8,Win10的本地离线激活工具 这个功能是在WindowsVista之后的产品中的一种新型产品激活机制,目的是Microsoft更好的遏制非法软件授权行为(盗版)。激活期限一般为180天,约6个月。 KMSpico可以激活: Win 10 所有版本 Win 8.1 所有版本 Windows...
You can get the username and password from the Access keys page of your registry in the Azure portal. If you're using a local registry, you can run a local registry. Windows Command Prompt Copy docker -H tcp://<EFLOW-VM-IP>:2375 login -u <Container Registry username> -p <Container...
源码:码云 | GitHub 简介 MrDoc 是基于Python开发的在线文档系统。 MrDoc 适合作为个人和中小型团队的私有云文档、云笔记和知识管理工具,致力于成为优秀的私有化在线文档部署方案。 你可以简单粗暴地将 MrDoc 视为「可私有部署的语雀」和「可在线编辑文档的GitBook」。 MrDoc 全系产品目前涵盖以下终端: 🌐Web端:...
Good Morning everyone! I am new to using Server Insider builds, (i have used normal Win10 builds for many years) just wondering where i could find & use a product key to activate Windows Server 2... Hi JayTechTips, You could use the following KMS keys for installing Windows server 2022...
Windows 10 build 1809 +Not installed, install and enable using optional features OpenSSH for Windows has the following commands built in. sshis the SSH client component that runs on the user's local system sshdis the SSH server component that must be running on the system being managed remote...
0: kd> vertarget Windows 10 Kernel Version 9926 MP (4 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Built by: 9926.0.amd64fre.fbl_awesome1501.150119-1648 Machine Name: "" Kernel base = 0xfffff801`8d283000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff801`8d58aef0 Debug session time: ...
Go 1.13.10 Linux kernel 4.19.76 LinuxKit init, runc, and containerd Bug fixes and minor changes Docker Desktop Edge fixes 10 issues reported on the docker/for-win GitHub repository. WSL 2 Detect when the WSL 2 backend stops and allow the user to restart it. Added support for chm...
OurGroceries 4.0.10 11 ✅ Premium keys require Google Play Store Outlook 4.2138.0 11 ⚠️ Cannot activate device administrator with Outlook, which prevents activation. Package Manager v7.0 13,12 ✅ Recommeded with use of Shizuku for multi-app installation PalawanPay 1.0.4634210 13 ❌...