1、首先从本站下载Windows10升级助手的安装包,得到“Win10Update3.3.31.187.exe”文件。 2、双击打开“Win10Update3.3.31.187.exe”文件,即可看到运行程序主界面,无需安装即可使用。 使用方法 1、下载完安装文件后,双击打开,看到Windows10升级助手的主界面,用户可以点击“一键升级”来进行下一步操作,可以设置下方的“...
Today part of the February 2025patch TuesdayUpdate, Microsoft released a new set of security updates for all supported devices including Windows 10 and Windows 11. This latest patch update is currently rolling out to everyone via Windows Update which downloads and installs automatically on your dev...
此问题是由Windows 10 1909 KB5003169累积更新导致的,是上周2021年5月“星期二补丁”(Patch Tuesday)例行性更新的一部分。 如果想要解决这个问题,微软表示,“您需要在更新完成安装后再次重新启动Windows 10。”微软在前不久的Microsoft 365通报中解释:“我们已经收到有关Windows Update KB 5003169上的某些用户...
1. Download Windows 10 specific .msu / .exe update files. Choose the exact Windows 10 update version that you want to install and download. 2. Double click on the downloaded installing patch and install. The system will check if the update is already installed or not. If it's available,...
Updates for Windows 10 have arrived just a fortnight after Patch Tuesday. Windows 10: Microsoft reopens Skip Ahead program but you need to be quick If you're keen to stay in the Skip Ahead group of the Windows 10 Insider tester program, now is the time to act. ...
Express Update可以有效的减小Windows 10累积更新的体积,它在设计之初就明确了仅仅传输最小字节数的目标。Express Update的核心思路是:累积更新归档了当前月份累积更新与之前各个月累积更新的增量差异,传输时只传输自己需要的那部分增量更新。这个累积更新归档文件就是PSF文件(Patch Storage File),也就是Express Update的更...
Microsoft regularly releases Windows updates to improve the overall performance, integrate new features, and patch security vulnerabilities. Recently the company has released a new cumulative updateKB5051974for the latest Windows 10 version 22H2 with various bug fixes, and security and reliability improvem...
I have tried to update Microsoft Windows 10 many times now from Windows 10 Update (10.0.18362 Build 18362) without success. If I restore this update, I am not sure if I can reload it again. And, at the same time, I do not want to lose Bluetooth functionality. It appears that ...
It's available for users with the operating system Windows 8.1 and previous versions, and you can download it in English. The current version of the software is not available and the latest update happened on 11/28/2014. Windows 10 Patch is a heavy program that will require more free space...
Windows 10 版本1703的更新 Windows 10 是一种服务,这意味着它可以更好地通过定期的软件更新获取。 好消息是通常无需执行任何操作! 如果已启用 "自动更新",则只要有新的更新可用,就会自动下载并安装它们,无需考虑。 在此页面左侧,你将找到针对此版本的 Windows 发布的所有更新的列表。 你还可以找到有关版本和所...