右侧栏的默认值,双击将其数据改为Open command window here即可。此时已经可以在右键菜单中看到。但是此...
Windows 10: Open the Command Prompt via Right-Click Context Menu NOTE:By default, certain newer Windows versions show "Open PowerShell window here" in place of "Open command window here." If you still want to use the right-click context menu to access the Windows command prompt, please see...
第一步:新建一个txt文件,另存为命名为OpenCmdHere.txt 第二步:在文件中输入如下代码,并保存 WindowsRegistryEditorVersion5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OpenCmdHere] @="在此处打开命令提示符" "Icon"="cmd.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OpenCmdHere\command] @="PowerShell -windowstyle...
2 在文件中输入如下代码,并保存Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OpenCmdHere]@="在此处打开命令提示符""Icon"="cmd.exe"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OpenCmdHere\command]@="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList &#...
添加注册表: Add_Open_command_window_here.reg 删除注册表: Remove_Open_command_window_here.reg 效果:
@="Open cmd(admin)" "Icon"="cmd.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\background\shell\cmd_here_admin\command] @="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/k,pushd,%V' -Verb RunAs\"" ...
Starting with Windows 10 build 14986, which represents Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft replaced the context menu command "Open command window here" with PowerShell by default in File Explorer. We already saw how you canget the command prompt back in the context menu. Today, we'll see ...
Whenever you press the SHIFT key and hold it and then right click on a folder in Explorer, you get the usual "Open command window here" menu item. This is very handy, you just opened a command window at the path you wanted. Now what if you need an elevated command prompt at that ...
We know that, for windows 7, by default when we click "shift + right click with mouse" when we enter into a folder without selecting anything, we can see the option "open command window here". While for windows 10, by default when we click "shift + right click with mouse", we can...
Open a Command Prompt window (cmd) as admin. To check the WinRE status, run reagentc /info. If the WinRE is configured, a "Windows RE status" field will appear in the output, with value "Enabled". If WinRE is not configured, this field will have the value "Disabled". ...