如果您拥有Xbox One 和Windows 10 设备,则这是最终的配套应用程序,是与控制台和电视进行交互的第二个屏幕。SmartGlass的Xbox 360版本也可用。 用于YouTube的Tubecast 最佳Windows 10应用程序tubecast 670x381 随着越来越多的人切断电源线,YouTube已经成为用户获得娱乐解决方案的热门方式。 其他人都在切断电源,那为什么...
Aaron Spurlock10Reputation points 1 answer How Do I Get Permission to Delete the Windows Folder? I have a an external hard drive that I had previously used as the main drive on a scrap laptop that lacked an internal drive. Now, I am trying to use the same hard drive as an additional ...
[OneDrive](skydrive.live.com/)买希捷的移动硬盘送的容量,就试试了,结果发现用来同步简直太爽了!!!而且,Windows基本都自带,其实体验挺好的!据说,淘宝可以买扩容量套餐 [微云](微云,全能收藏 无处不在 - 官方网站) 腾讯的微云也不失为一种选择,尽管,最新的政策出来了,免费空间也降低了! [FileGee](FileGee...
如果你并非Google Drive的铁粉,那么就不要和Windows 10过不去了。 游戏 大部分游戏都需要独立显卡才能带来更好的体验,同时还包括了存储容量和先进的处理器。而在高端的Windows 10设备上这些都不是问题,而低端Windows 10设备则有些不堪重负。同时Chromebook同样不擅长游戏,许多AAA游戏都标注不支持Chromebook。 因此,无...
8.從OneDrive中移動卡住的文件 9.關閉上載Office文件 10.完全還原OneDrive的原始設置 1.嘗試在線訪問OneDrive 首先,您需要檢查這是系統錯誤還是由OneDrive引起。為此,請在通知區域中右鍵單擊OneDrive圖標,然後單擊“在線查看”。這將在瀏覽器中打開OneDrive文件。如果該文件未下載或損壞(不是由於網絡或Intern...
1. myTube myTube is one of my favorite apps to watch YouTube on Windows 10. One of the things I really like about myTube is that it is updated frequently and keeps up with all the new changes in Windows 10. Add to that the app is lightweight, minimal, and feature-rich. Unlike ...
1. GUI-YouGet 如果你经常需要下载流媒体网站上的音视频,那么,GUI-YouGet 可以帮到你。 它同样是一款命令行封装软件,整合了 youtube-dl 和 You-Get 两款国内外知名的命令行视频网站下载工具,只需要粘贴 URL,就能一键下载优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、YouTube 等国内外知名流媒体网站的文件,对于哔哩哔哩等含有弹幕的...
When selecting the destination folder, connect the USB flash drive to the device and click[Browse]⑦. Note: If your Windows 11/10 installation media is also using a USB flash drive, you can choose to extract the package to the same flash drive. ...
My C/drive is full and I need to free up space. Can I move apps and other software to my D/drive. If yes, will the online connectivity for necessary updates and access to such items as Youtube still maintain. Norman Sheppard
Select your preferred version of Ghost Spectre Windows 10; a small description is provided, and click Next. ClickCustom: Install Windows only (advanced). Select the drive and then clickNext.[If there are multiple partitions, select each from the bottom, then click to delete until only one una...