As a basic text editor in Windows 10/11, Notepad enables you to save certain file formats like batch files, script files and more. Sometimes, you might customize Notepad settings like font, size, style, and more. What if you want to restore all the default settings? In this post fromMin...
Windows 10 notepad encoding options When saving a file with the windows 10 notepad (from the optional features of windows 10) usually 3 encoding options appear - ANSI, UTF 8 and UTF 16. However as of recently, it gives me a list of confusing extra options, like - UTF 8 with BOM, UT...
记事本 notepad ODBC 数据源管理程序 odbcad32 屏幕键盘 osk 画图mspaint 性能监视器 perfmon 电话括号程序 dialer 演示设置 presentationsettings 打印管理 printmanagement.msc 打印机迁移 printbrmui 专用字符编辑程序 eudcedit 步骤记录器 psr 注册表编辑器 regedit 远程桌面连接 mstsc 资源监视器 resmon 组策略结果集 ...
Get-ProcessMitigation-RegistryConfigFilePathsettings.xml Set-ProcessMitigation cmdlet 可以啟用和停用處理程序防護功能,或從 XML 檔案進行大量設定。 若要取得「notepad.exe」的目前處理程序防護功能,接著啟用 MicrosoftSignedOnly 並停用 MandatoryASLR︰ PowerShell ...
Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, Whiteboard, To Do, Photos, Store, File Explorer, Spotify, Netflix, Camera, Solitaire, Calculator, Alarms & Clock, Movies & TV, Office, Sticky Notes, Paint, Learning Hub, Settings, Weather, Snip & Sketch, Voice Recorder, Groove Music, People, Notepad, Fe...
53.记事本 notepad 54.ODBC 数据源管理程序 odbcad32 55.屏幕键盘 osk 56.画图 mspaint 57.性能监视器 perfmon 58.电话括号程序 dialer 59.演示设置 presentationsettings 60.打印管理 printmanagement.msc 61.打印机迁移 printbrmui 62.专用字符编辑程序 eudcedit ...
I found these registry keys to change the first two tablet mode settings: Tablet mode settings are found in the registry under [HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell] Key: TabletMode 0 = Off 1 = On Key: SignInMode: 0 = "Automatically switch to Tablet Mode" 1 = "...
Name the new folder Windows 10. Complete the wizard using default values and select Finish. Right-click the Windows 10 folder created in the previous step, and then select Import Operating System. Use the following settings for the Import Operating System Wizard: OS Type: Full set of source ...
04、修改Win10地区-开启隐藏功能 这也是Win10中最神奇的操作之一「修改Win10地区」,在「设置」里找到...
1、winver——检查Windows版本 2、cmd -> sfc.exe——系统文件检查器(使用系统管理员身份运行)3、UserAccountControlSettings用户账户控制设置 4、taskschd.msc—— 任务计划程序 5、explorer——打开文件资源管理器 6、psr——步骤记录器 7、notepad——打开记事本 8、write ——写字板 9、mspaint——画图板 1...