下载并安装Media Player Plus! (下方链接)。 开始之前,您需要关闭Windows Media Player,否则您将收到以下消息。 The next time you open Media Player you’ll be presented with the Media Player Plus settings window. Some of the settings will be enabled by default, such as theFind as you typefeature....
How to Fix File Sharing over Windows Network not Working Allow Windows file sharing through Windows firewall settings. After that, check whether the required service for file sharing is turned on or not. Then restart your computer. Disable password-protected sharing and turn on the SMB 1.0 shari...
可以按下"Win + R"键,然后输入"services.msc"打开"服务"窗口。 步骤二:定位到“Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service” 在“服务”窗口中,查找并定位到“Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service”。可以使用滚动条或按字母"W"来快速定位。 步骤三:检查服务状态 在“服务”窗口中,找到“Windows Med...
1. Open "Control Panel" and select "Sharing Center". Next, you need to click on "Advanced Sharing Setting". 2. Here, refer to the Private (current profile) section and check the boxes next to Enable Network Discovery and Enable File and Printer Sharing. Then save all changes and click ...
3、管理模板→Windows 组件。4、找到并双击打开:windows media player。5、双击打开:防止媒体共享 策略。6、选择禁用或未配置→确定。7、然后开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。8、然后再找到Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service服务→启动,就可以开启了。
windows 10 filesharing stopped working I have a couple windows 10 pcs on private LAN. one hosts Hyper-v. This host has a couple of shared folders. The other pcs can see the host pc, but cannot access the shares (non specic error) The host pc can access shares on other pcs. The ho...
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. Network: A group of devices that communicate either wirelessly or via a physical connection.
针对无法在网络和共享中心启用网络发现的问题,本文提供了解决方法。原始KB 数: 2722035现象你尝试在运行 Windows Server 2012 的计算机上启用网络发现。 为此,你更改了“网络和共享中心”中的高级共享设置。 但是,未能保存这些更改。 因此,无法启用网络发现。 并且你遇到以下问题:...
为什么Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service还是无法启动? He_XunTao 默默无闻 1 我系统是 window 10 TH2 quez999 默默无闻 1 我和你症状一样 和你的操作系统版本也一样 不应该升到1511 我的浏览器老崩溃 要命的是电脑无法给路由器上的u盘复制东西进去了 准备重装lstb way512804834 默默无...
我们在电脑上遇到Windows MediaPlayer Networ Sharing Service 无法启动的时候,该怎么办呢?今天就给大家介绍一下MediaPlayer Network Sharing Service启动不了的具体解决方法。1. 首先打开电脑,进入桌面,依次点击左下角的【开始】---【运行】选项,在打开的运行窗口中,输入“gpedit.msc”,点击确定或...