Some users who have gone through our how to share files between two Windows 10 devices with Nearby Sharing feature article have reported back that the feature is not working for them. If the Nearby Sharing is not working for you as well, the following are some troubleshooting tips. IMPORTANT:...
Windows 11/10 has several useful features, one of which is Nearby Sharing. Nearby Sharing allows you to share your files quickly with nearby Windows devices. If you find thatNearby Sharing is not workingon your Windows 11/10 computer then here are a few things you could try to fix the is...
Windows 10Windows 11 Windows 中的就近共享允许使用蓝牙或 WI-Fi 共享文档、照片和网站链接,这些设备与附近的设备一起共享。 可以在运行Windows 10或Windows 11的电脑之间共享文件。 本文介绍与 Windows 中的就近共享相关的最常见问题,并为每个问题提供故障排除步骤。
其实如果你只是想在两个Windows电脑之间传输文件的话,可以直接使用系统自导的就近共享功能。 就近共享(Nearby sharing)是微软Windows 11上的一项功能,它可以让您通过蓝牙或Wi-Fi与附近的设备分享文件、图片和网页链接。这项功能在Windows 10上也有,但是在Windows 11上有了新的界面和操作方式。 启用就近共享功能 要...
Nearby sharing failing with large files Nearby sharing stops mid-transfer Nearby sharing is using only Bluetooth (Slow transfer) Nearby sharing not working when connected to Wi-Fi Device not discoverable Nearby sharing stuck on waiting to receive I don't see any nearby sharing notificationsSUBSCRIBE...
就近共享(Nearby Sharing)是一款开源 Android 应用,它能通过 Windows 10 / 11 内置共享功能实现在 Android 和 PC 之间共享文件。@Appinn 类似使用 Windows 就近共享功能的项目还有一个: AndDrop –用「隔空投送」「就近共享」从 Android 设备向 Mac、Windows 传送文件|2023 年的第二个精选 ...
6. Enable nearby sharing Press theWindows+Ikeys simultaneously to openSettings. Click onSystemand selectNearby sharing. Click onEveryone nearby. If you are also unable to see nearby sharing, your PCs may not support nearby sharing so ensure you check the settings. ...
Is the Nearby Sharing feature on your Windows 11 not working as it should? Find out how to fix Nearby Sharing not working in Windows 11 in this article. Method 3. Use OneDrive Link to Share Files Between Windows 7 and Windows 10/11 Applies to: File backup, File sharing on all Windows...
執行Windows 11 或 Windows 10(版本 1083 或更新版本)。 兩台電腦都必須支援藍牙或 WiFi 連接。注意: 對於舊的 Windows 版本或不支援藍牙或 WiFi 的電腦,鄰近分享根本不能使用。在這種情況下,您需要一款鄰近分享替代工具來在電腦之間傳輸檔案。這裡推薦使用 EaseUS Todo PCTrans 等可靠的電腦傳輸軟體來提供協助。
Microsoft has come up with a new feature called Nearby Sharing in Windows 10 that allows the users to Send/Receive different kinds of Files and Media with the