所以开始了我的老Magic Mouse用在Windows10上的探索之旅。 正常使用:首先打开鼠标后的开关,打开电脑蓝牙适配器,找到Apple Wireless Mouse的蓝牙进行配对,很快电脑就配对成功,并且Windows10通知正在下载驱动,下载完成后我以为可以正常使用了,但是,不能用滚动!!!Magic Mouse最好用的滚动功能,居然不能用!!! 问题一定出现...
Windows 10添加到苹果蓝牙鼠标Apple Magic Mouse详解 使用普通的PC机添加苹果蓝牙鼠标时,系统总是提示"...输入PIN..."。升级驱动,卸载蓝牙,各种折腾,还是不行。 只好用英文搜答案,发现有一款 Magic Utilities,抱着试试看的态度,下载并安装了,然后再次添加蓝牙设备,这次竟然可以了,虽然仍然提示“输入PIN”,但我输入...
Magic Mouse + Windows Not Working Please Help The Magic Mouse Is Connected To My Computer But It Won't Work. Why? Please Reach back, thanks I now use a Microsoft Mouse from 2 years ago that I bought at best buy The magic Mouse is 1 month old. I got to use it 10-11 times. help...
The above methods should help you fix the Magic mouse not working on Windows 11/10 error. The error mainly occurs because of an incompatible driver. So installing Bootcamp on your Windows will help you get rid of it. Alternatively, you can try using Magic Mouse Utilities, a paid third-part...
What can I do if Magic Mouse isn’t working on Windows 10? 1. Check for the latest Bluetooth driver PressWin Key + Xon your keyboard, and selectDevice Manager. Search for the Apple Magic Mouse, right-click it, and selectUpdate driver. ...
在搭载 Windows 操作系统的计算机上使用 Apple Magic Mouse 的步骤如下:首先,准备硬件,即 Apple Magic Mouse。接着,准备软件,通过解压缩 Boot Camp,定位到 BootCamp\Drivers\Apple,运行 AppleWirelessMouse64.exe。如果需要使用 Apple USB SuperDrive,可一并运行 AppleODDInstaller64.exe。随后,按照提示...
家里唯一能用的鼠标就是一个Magic Mouse 2了。我的系统是Win10,直接蓝牙就能连上,唯一的问题是滚轮手势没解锁。 google说只需要安装bootcamp 6.1中的无线驱动即可(执行包中的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe)。但是,即便是Apple官网的bootcamp也只有5.1版本(Apple - Support - Downloads),而且,装了也没有效果。 有一个...
magic mouse not connected when using boot camp Using iMac 21.5 running win 10 (via Bootcamp). Win 10 shows the mouse as "connected". Magic Mouse 2 is not responding after boot up. To temporarily fix this, I remove the mouse in Win 10 Set up and then reconnect it. Mouse works fine ...
mouse drive for apple Magic Mouse 2 on windows 10 I need a mouse driver for Windows 10 64 bit operating under Mac Boot Camp 6.1.0 :) Antonio De Biasi, Jul 14, 2024 #1 SS SS-SF Win User Apple Magic Mouse/Bluetooth Mouse Scroll Not Working Windows 10 The only thing that works...