家里唯一能用的鼠标就是一个Magic Mouse 2了。我的系统是Win10,直接蓝牙就能连上,唯一的问题是滚轮手势没解锁。 google说只需要安装bootcamp 6.1中的无线驱动即可(执行包中的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe)。但是,即便是Apple官网的bootcamp也只有5.1版本(Apple - Support - Downloads),而且,装了也没有效果。 有一个...
Im having a problem with connecting Magic mouse 2 to windows 10.The windows 10 is running on imac boot camp assistant and suddenly it stopped working two week ago. im using wireless keyboard and its working as usual. i have uninstalled and installed magic mouse 2 software and apple broadcom ...
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If you want to use the Apple Magic Mouse in Windows 10, you should download and install the Magic Mouse driver for Windows 10. And this post will show you how to download and install the Magic Mouse driver for Windows 10.
苹果这款鼠标在上市之初仅能在苹果mac机上正常使用。由于缺少驱动,它在windows系统上只能被识别为普通的蓝牙无线鼠标,触控功能无法发挥。日前,苹果终于放出了针对boot camp双启动系统的windows驱动程序更新2.2版,加入了对magic mouse的多点
打开trackpad电源开关 在win上搜索trackpad名字连接 也可插着线使用 如此在win上magic trackpad 2就可...
说明一下我的win10,是先分区安装8.1后直接升级安装的, 应该算是8.1的各项驱动都已安装完成了,也激活了。 magic mouse吗?如果是的话,在win下不是100%兼容也是正常,MM需要在OSX下使用
I upgraded the Bluetooth driver back to what it was which enabled Bluetooth again. I went and removed and repaired my Magic Mouse on the Windows side by first going onto macOS and removing it from it's Bluetooth, relaunching into Windows, removing it from it's Bluetooth and repairing it; ...
苹果在10月下旬发布的新iMac一体机中,加入了***性的Magic Mouse触摸无线鼠标,把整个鼠标上盖当作多点...