在MacBook原装系统下,打开启动转换助理,点击屏幕左上角的菜单“操作”-“下载Windows支持软件”,即可以下载所有支持该设备的Windows驱动以及相关辅助软件,这一步很重要。我们将文件名称保存到文件夹“Macbook Pro 2017 drivers”下,并且将这个文件拷贝到上一步制作好了windows 10启动系统的U盘中。 4、重启MacBook 按住...
Macbook Pro 16寸 5500M bootcamp下安装 第三方显卡驱动(多图警告) johnson yue Mac Pro(2013)垃圾桶 Boot camp更新显卡驱动(同样适用于其他搭载AMD显卡的Intel Mac) 前情提要: 由于我的Mac Pro(2013)垃圾桶Boot camp中自带显卡驱动过于老旧,导致无法使用大量的VR相关软件以及游玩Steam中游戏。随即在网上寻找各种解...
1.进入网站 bootcampdrivers. com 2. 点击左上角的download,找到适配自己Mac显卡的驱动 3.此处需要科学上网打开一个外国网盘mega的链接进行下载,此处可用手机操作,有mega的APP。 4.解压下下来来的东西 此后可以按照严格的该网站的操作步骤,也可以按题主的偷懒办法 打开设备管理器—显示适配器—右键显卡 点更新显卡...
I have a Macbook PRO Retina early 2015. I have installed bootcamp 6 and windows 10. I have an issue with the Iris 6100 driver (currently which is installed (with error 43). The consequence is that I cannot change the screen resolution (only 2560x1600 is possible)...
Macbook Pro Mid 2010 17in VGA Cards: - Intel HD Graphics (Intel Core I5 M540) - nVidia GeForece GT330M I installed successful Windows 10 Pro on this laptop with all drivers. But VGA (Graphics) Drivers got issue: (This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the dri...
I have a MacBook Pro 16" 2019 with intel i9. I used BootCamp with Windows 10. About Mac and Windows. Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30GHz RAM 16.0 GB Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build: 19045.2673 Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0 ...
It took me quite some time but I finally managed to get my A1181 (Macbook 2.1) to run Windows 10 today. I couldn't get the drivers downloaded through Boot Camp (3.0.4) but I'm now up and running with the exception of the IR Remote, Camera but most importantly, I've no audio. ...
1. 使用Boot Camp助理 当你使用Boot Camp助理在Mac上安装Windows 10时,它会自动为你下载并安装一套Windows支持软件,其中就包含了无线网卡驱动。只需确保在安装过程中选择了“下载Windows支持软件”的选项。安装完成后,Windows 10中的无线网卡应该可以直接工作。2. 手动下载驱动 如果出于某种原因,Boot ...
00 少数派_951343 2020/01/19 10:53 MacbookPro 16寸AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB 安装了BootCampDrivers.com Adrenalin-2020-BootCamp-Red-Edition版本玩LOL掉帧严重,请问有什么解决办法吗 00 少数派_890827 2019/03/16 12:04 您好,看过您的文章非常兴奋,按照流程去BootcampDrivers.com上下载,但是点开下载链接就...
00 少数派_951343 2020/01/19 10:53 MacbookPro 16寸AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB 安装了BootCampDrivers.com Adrenalin-2020-BootCamp-Red-Edition版本玩LOL掉帧严重,请问有什么解决办法吗 00 少数派_890827 2019/03/16 12:04 您好,看过您的文章非常兴奋,按照流程去BootcampDrivers.com上下载,但是点开下载链接就...