To achieve this goal, press theWindowskey. In the search bar, type“view advanced”without the quotes. Next, selectView advanced system settingsand click on theAdvancedtab. In theAdvancedtab under thePerformancesection, selectSettings. On thePerformance Optionspage, click onAdjustfor best performance...
regkey=Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE"SPACEN"xugang");//读取注册表 reg_strHttp=regkey.GetValue("strHttp").ToString();//接口址 reg_sqlServer=regkey.GetValue("sqlServer").ToString();//数据库服务名 reg_database=regkey.GetValue("database").ToString();//数据库名 reg_uid=reg...
#9. Demonstrates how we could set the username and password if we were to choose the option, “System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.User”, for the desired user account. #10. This binds the ServiceProcessInstaller, along with our ServiceInstaller, into our Installers. Installers are inherited fr... there's also WM_SYSCOMMAND/WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP/WM_CHAR events for SendMessage which you might be interested in. answeredJan 22 '10 at 0:03jspcal
内容索引:VC/C++源码,系统相关,软键盘 基于Windows API实现的屏幕软键盘,一个比较有用的小程序,也是很好的编程参考资料,帮你更进一步了理解Windows API的使用方法。程序里面有Button的Subclassing两个东西,同时自己处理鼠标消息;钩子函数基于CodeGuru上的一个OnScreenKeyboa。
<![CDATA[人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。brent 2009-10-29 11:56 发表评论 ]]> </description
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 Anonymous September 21, 2006 I haven't check above to see if somebody already asked for this, but it would be good to get a sample in the Windows Mobile SDKs on Active Sync...
string icokey = @"rorfile\DefaultIcon"; using( RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(icokey) ) { // Map ProgID to a document icon for the shell key.SetValue(null, @"%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-10"); } 请注意在键值中使用 %SystemRoot% 变量。 与 %L一样,此变量由...
CodeGuru Are there any tools I can use to edit the registry on the device, without being connected to a host? There are third-party tools, none released by Microsoft. For an example, seePHM Registry Editor. Windows CE Real-time Is Windows CE really hard real time?