对于 Dock 上的图标,我使用的是多年前在 DeviantArt 上找到的一个名为Lucid Icons 的图标包由 James Lee Chiahan 创建。值得庆幸的是,有人将它们上传到了 GitHub,你今天仍然可以下载它们。虽然它们下面有文字,但我更喜欢没有每个程序名称的那些,因为它们让我的扩展坞看起来更干净。使用 Rainmeter 添加时钟等...
它也严格遵循了微软的完全扁平化指导方针,但是又融入了Windows 7图标的样式元素,简洁而又不失漂亮,感觉真的比Windows 10里自带的好多了。 下载地址: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/229/f/c/windows_9_icons_by_dtafalonso-d5y1gjf.zip dtafalonso是个设计高手,还打造了Windows 8.1、Office 2013、A...
下载地址: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/229/f/c/windows_9_icons_by_dtafalonso-d5y1gjf.zip dtafalonso是个设计高手,还打造了Windows 8.1、Office 2013、Android 4.4/5.0、iOS 8、Mac OS X等不同风格的图标,而且都提供了打包下载,值得试试。 围观地址: http://dtafalonso.deviantart.com/ar...
It is also to e noted that the theme has been developed with visual effects and smart icons and shortcut buttons.9. X greenhttp://termitboss.deviantart.com/art/Xgreen-Theme-for-Win-8-1-409221050The theme makes sure that the user is in love with the green color and also gets the best...
Windows有一些内置图标可供选择,但是您也可以从IconArchive,DeviantArt和Iconfinder等网站下载大量图标,所有这些图标都包含大量免费图标。而且,如果找不到您喜欢的东西,甚至可以从任何图像中制作出高分辨率的图标。 拥有梦想中的图标后,请将其保存在安全的地方-其中一些过程将要求它们留在PC上的特定位置。在其他情况下,您...
Thanks to all the developers who worked hard to make the above selection possible on DeviantArt. Final Say: Which Icon Pack have you picked? Above we discussed and listed some of thebest freely available icon packs for Windows 10. These were handpicked and have a great mixture ofminimalistic...
Download wallpapers, icons, skins, themes for Windows 10/7/Vista/XP, sound schemes, WindowBlinds, Deskscapes, WinAmp, ObjectDock and More!
ContextMenuManager Github(分叉版,推荐) |Github 更多 Windows 美化手册 - 少数派 Windows 美化手册 sspai.com 小众软件-美化个性化工具 Microsoft Store致美化zhutix.com桌面增强软件softpedia.com 以下皆为难以访问或过时的资源艺术网站deviantart.comWin7壁纸主题win7china.comStyle-7 styleseven.com ...
I found this and looks cool http://mare-m.deviantart.com/art/Colored-Title-Bar-Theme-for-Windows-10-552490027 Reply Sergey Tkachenko says: August 13, 2015 at 12:10 pm It is the same theme as described in this article. Also, early i shared the same theme here: http://hb860.deviantart...
First, head toDeviantArtand enterWindows 10 themesin the search bar. You'll be presented with several popular options by default. You can install any theme available in the search results. However, before continuing, a few words of warning. ...