因为,windows 10 in S mode不是强制性的,可以自己选择。大多数Windows 10个人电脑都带有标准的Windows 10 Home或Windows 10 Professional操作系统,可让你从任何地方运行软件。带有S模式的电脑会说明产品规格中使用了“windows 10 home in S mode”或“windows 10 professional in S mode”。 不过,划重点:你的选择...
In the Switch to Windows 10 Home or Switch to Windows 10 Pro section, select the Go to the Store link. Caution Don't select the link under "Upgrade your edition of Windows." That's a different process that will keep you in S mode.On the Switch out of S mode page that appears in...
下面有个配置项SkuPolicyRequired从0改成1,就可以打开S模式这种通过微软官方安装工具出来的操作系统,自动就可以激活参考文档Windows s modehttps://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/4020089/windows-10-in-s-mode-faq 送TA礼物 1楼2018-10-15 23:15回复 ...
Microsoft has introduced Windows 10 in S mode, a specific configuration of Windows 10 that offers a familiar, productive Windows experience that’s streamlined for security and performance. Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 10 Home and Pro will work...
Microsoft has introducedWindows 10 in S mode, a specific configuration of Windows 10 that offers a familiar, productive Windows experience that’s streamlined for security and performance. Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 10 Home and P...
Windows 10 in S Mode: ** 功能:类似于 Windows 10 Home 版本,但限制只能安装来自 Microsoft Store 的应用程序。 优点:提供更高的安全性和性能,适合教育机构和需要更受限制的环境。 缺点:仅限于安装来自 Microsoft Store 的应用程序,可能受到应用程序选择的限制。 ** Windows 10 Core: ** 功能:为特定设备(如...
Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 Windows 10 S Windows 11Windows 10 关于处于 S 模式的 Windows 11 处于S 模式的 Windows 11 是 Windows 11 的一个特定版本,该版本进行过简化处理以提升安全性和性能,并仍然提供熟悉的 Windows 体验。 为了提高安全性,它仅允许安装 Microsoft Store 提供的应用,并且要求使用 ...
If you have Windows 10 Home in S mode and your PC meets the minimum hardware specifications for Windows 11, you can upgrade to Windows 11 Home in S mode.Windows 11 in S mode is only available in the Windows 11 Home edition. If you have the Pro, Enterprise, or Education editions of ...
平台:選取[Windows 10 及更新版本]。 配置檔類型:選取[範本>版本升級] 和 [模式切換]。 選取[建立]。 在[基本資訊]中,輸入下列內容: 名稱:輸入新配置檔的描述性名稱。 例如,輸入類似 或Windows 10 turn off S mode的內容Windows 10/11 edition upgrade profile。
Dell戴尔SupportAssistforHomePCsReleaseNotesforWindows10inSmode说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 SupportAssist for Home PCs Release Notes for Windows 10 in S mode September 2021 Rev. A05 Notes, cautions, and warnings NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you ...