Windows 10 Home是Win10的家庭版,其外观和操作具有关键功能:抛光的开始菜单; 新一代Edge浏览器;更全面的Cortana版本(以前只适用于Windows手机);虚拟桌面和任务视图,可实现更有条理的桌面查看;省电,提高电源效率; TPM芯片支持更高的安全性。 Windows 10 Pro支持Win10家庭版中的所有功能,也包含隐私保护,连接和业务功...
find out which version of Windows you haveby checking your system settings. How to Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Pro via the Windows Store If you haven't paid anything for Pro yet, and no one has handed you a copy, the most straightforward way to upgrade is from the Windows Store. Here'...
解决方案: 1.记得先断开网络,然后在开始——>设定——>更新与安全性——>启用(激活)——> 变更产品密钥,输入下方的那条序号: Turn off the network, then using the following default product key upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro : VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T 2.更新完后需要重启,重新...
Pro, and Enterprise. Most new PCs will come preloaded with Windows 10 Home. But if you’re a business or power user you might need the unique capabilities of the Pro edition such asRemote Desktop, business networking,BitLocker Drive
We hope that our article was able to help you upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro with ease. Enjoy the advanced protection and new, unique features with your operating system upgrade! Tags:How To
✅ Windows 10 Home to Pro Upgrade:Will I need to get a new key if I upgrade to Windows 10 Home to Pro for $99 from Microsoft Store? I'm afraid if I get the upgrade price I won't be able...
MSI Windows 10 Home - 免费升级到 Windows 11 Pro - Intel Cubi N JSL C U B I N J S L-032B E U Be Your Window To The World Selling Points Windows 10 Home - MSI recomienda Windows 11 Pro para profesionalesActualización GRATUITA a Windows 11* Con procesadores Intel Japer Lake Admite ...
There has been an ongoing issue with the Microsoft Store and connecting it to a business account, then making app purchases and upgrades using the store. Example: I purchased a Dell Inspiron computer with Windows 10 Home edition inadvertently, and…