1、Win+R 组合键后输入 regedit 之后按回车键,打开注册表编辑器,如下图所示:2、在注册表编辑器依次展开 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsDriverSearching,如下图所示:3、把右侧的“DriverUpdateWizardWuSearchEnabled”,将默认的数值数据从“1”修改成“0”后注销当前账户或重启电脑,...
步骤1:拔下插头和插入电源线以固定HDMI端口 1.请断开所有HDMI电缆与输入的连接 2.拔下电源线约5分钟 3.将其插回电源 4.将HDMI电缆连接到PC 5.打开你的电脑上 第2步:检查您的硬件设备 如果您在按照上述步骤操作后仍然遇到问题,请检查您的电缆本身,它可能已损坏,因此无法正常工作。 此外,您可以检查您的显示器...
The Intel Graphics Windows 10 & 11 DCH Driver update installed and now my CPU and Screen cannot see each other. Therefore, I cannot see anything on my CPU. How do I reverse the driver update with my inability to see my machine? (I have changed out the cables, tried a different s...
But exactly after updating the graphics driver, it goes black again. Eventually I installed previous versions of Windows10 and graphics drivers also, but every time it happened and it forced me to turn my Windows to the last restore point before the graphics updating! (I've just use...
NVIDIA High Definition Audio driverssupport the output of HDMI audios. If you can’t hear sound through HDMI port after upgrading Windows 11 / 10, you can check if the NVIDIA drivers are missing or outdated. Mostly, driver problems can be the reason. To fix the problem, update the drivers...
This issue occurs because the AMD driver does not support Runtime Power Management (RTPM), but the Intel driver does support RTPM. MS patch fixes this problem.Thanks to Castro27 user for finding this fix and Microsoft for fixing it. 荡起的双桨 Radeon 15 下载地址:http://sourceforge.net/...
1. Open Windows 10 Device Manager by pressingWin+X(the Windows logo key and the X key) at the same time and clickingDevice Manager. 2. In the Device Manager window, expand the categories and locate the device that you wish to update the driver for. ...
Q3. How to update NVIDIA HDMI audio drivers Windows 10? You can perform NVIDIA high-definition audio driver download and update with the help of the Device Manager. Just run the manager from the search bar and find your device to update its driver. You can also take the help of the meth...
How to temporarily prevent a driver update from reinstalling in Windows 10 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3073930Best regardsPlease remember to mark the replies as an answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, c...
註: 若您的裝置為AMD平台的顯示卡,請參考AMD chipset driver解除安裝方式,非AMD平台的顯示卡請參考下方步驟。 請在Windows搜尋欄輸入[裝置管理員]①,然後點選[開啟]②。 點擊[顯示卡]裝置類型旁邊的箭頭③。於[您的顯示卡]點擊滑鼠右鍵④,然後點選[解除安裝裝置]⑤。 註: 某些型號的裝置可能會有兩個顯示卡...