can use the TASK Manager. Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), go to the “Details” tab, and in the “Search box” type the PID of the Port to find the application or process using it.
如果方法 1 不帮助你识别过程(在 Windows 10 和 Windows Server 2012 R2 之前),请查看任务管理器: 在详细信息/进程下添加名为“handles”的列。 对“handles”列进行排序以确定具有最多句柄数的进程。 通常,处理大于 3000 的进程可能是罪魁祸首,但诸如 System、lsass.exe、store.exe、sqlsvr.exe等进程除外。
10% 是由硬體問題所造成。 5% 是由 Microsoft 程式碼所造成。 15% 有未知的原因,因為記憶體損毀嚴重而無法分析。 注意 停止錯誤的根本原因很少是使用者模式程式。 雖然使用者模式程式 (例如記事本或 Slack) 可能會觸發停止錯誤,但通常會在驅動程式、硬體或作業系統中公開基礎問題。
10% 是由硬件问题引起的。 5% 是由 Microsoft 代码引起的。 15% 的原因未知,因为内存损坏太多,无法分析。 备注 停止错误的根本原因很少是用户模式进程。 虽然用户模式进程(如记事本或 Slack)可能会触发停止错误,但它通常会公开驱动程序、硬件或操作系统中的潜在问题。
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Insert your prepared USB drive into a USB port. Restart your computer. If prompted, press any key to boot from the USB drive. Your computer should now boot from the USB drive. The next steps will depend on what you’re using the bootable USB for: ...
Next, the FTP server assigns a high TCP port between ports 1025 and 5000. Then, the client opens a second connection to the FTP server for transferring data. You can configure the range of high ports by using the IIS metabase.System service name: MSFTPSVC...
832017 Service overview and network port requirements for Windows 179442 How to configure a firewall for domains and trusts Error 10 Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed. The name will remain ".".The specified server cannot perform the operation. ...
3. You can end the connection and free the port if you want to. To do that, right-click on the connection and select “End Process.” This will terminates the process. That is all. It is that simple to find which ports are used in Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you like this art...
The first, in our case, is “” This IP address is otherwise known as “localhost” or a “loopback address,” and any process listening to ports here is communicating internally on your local network without using any network interface. The actual port is the number you see aft...