在其他電腦上,下載Windows 10 SDK。 啟動安裝,然後選擇 [適用於 Windows 的偵錯工具]。 已安裝 WinDbg 工具。 移至[檔案]功能表,然後選取 [符號檔案路徑]以開啟 WinDbg 工具並設定符號路徑。 如果電腦連線到網路,請輸入Microsoft 公用符號伺服器:https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols,然...
C:\> mkdir c:\symbols C:\> set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*C:\symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols 這個範例命令會顯示頂端NT函式。Windows 命令提示字元 複製 C:\> dtrace -n "fbt:nt:*Timer*:entry { @k[probefunc] = count(); } tick-5s { trunc(@k, 10);printa(@k); ...
cd "C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows" kd -y srv*C:\Symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols -i C:\Windows\i386 -z %1 如果要检查转储文件,请键入以下命令,将转储文件路径传递给批处理文件: 控制台 dump C:\Windows\Minidump\minidump.dmp ...
在另一台计算机上,下载Windows 10 SDK。 开始安装并选择“调试 Windows 工具”。 已安装 WinDbg 工具。 转到“文件”菜单,选择“符号文件路径”以打开 WinDbg 工具并设置符号路径。 如果计算机已连接到 Internet,请输入Microsoft 公共符号服务器:https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols,然后选择“确定”。 建议...
然后点击左上角file-symbolfilepath,如图: 神船万年不坏 白银船粉 8 然后输入如下的微软调试符号集网址:SRV*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols如图:点击,ok,即可。 神船万年不坏 白银船粉 8 等我去找个dump文件。稍等。 1063645728 神级船粉 13 我从来不看那玩意儿,咱心里有数二楼萌萌哒,...
若要取得的位置,我可以使用 QueryInterface 來取得 IDebugSymbols 介面,然後再使用 [GetOffsetByName。 GetOffsetByName 函數使用的符號名稱,然後傳回地址的 64 位元的指標。 偵錯工具函式永遠傳回 64 位元指標 (ULONG64),所以 64 位元目標才能進行偵錯 32 位元偵錯工具。
A simple regex like \w+, for example, can confirm that first and last names don't contain any special characters or symbols, while something more complicated can confirm that the e-mail addresses conform to your corporate standard. For example, you could use this:...
When the kernel debugger loads the Memory.dmp file, the Kernel Version as well as the Processor Count is displayed in the first few lines. Confirm that the processor count corresponds with the appropriate kernel and HAL. Driver symbol information is displayed as either the symbols are loaded or...
D3D10 software renderer is available in MSVC package since 21.2.0. File name:d3d10sw.dll. This is a drop in replacement for Microsoft WARP and unfortunately there is no clean way ofdeployingit. SPIR-V to DXIL tool and library are available in MSVC package since 21.0.0 and since 22.2.0...
0: kd> !dh tabletaudiosample File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE FILE HEADER VALUES 8664 machine (X64) 9 number of sections 5669DE8A time date stamp Thu Dec 10 12:20:26 2015 0 file pointer to symbol table 0 number of symbols F0 size of optional header 22 characteristics Executable App can hand...