Windows 10 版本 22H2 Windows 10 版本 21H2 备注 本文中的信息也适用于以下 Windows 10 版本:21H1、20H2 和 2004。 但这些版本已达到其服务结束日期。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft 产品生命周期。 必需的诊断数据收集的是一组有限信息,此类信息对了解设备及其配置至关重要,包括基本设备信息、与质...
I am currently deploying a Feature Update using MECM to get our environment updated from Windows 10 20H2 to Windows 10 22H2. However, I am seeing intermittent failures where some clients are failing to download the update. The error message on the failed clients has thus far been the same...
Windows 10版本2功能更新。这一大段话就是告诉用户,你的电脑存在不兼容的问题,比如可能是硬件驱动版本不兼容,某些软件不兼容等等。电脑可以更新win10,但是大概率会出现bug,比如蓝屏黑屏等等。以前的win10大版本更新经常会出现bug,所以微软此次变得更加小心,不会强行让用户更新win10 版本,而是会仔细...
I would like to update all my windows 10 and windows 11 machines with a Powershell script. I have a RMM agent installed on those computers and i want to invoke the OS to install the 22H2 Feature update. (My RMM Agent doesn't have a proper Patch/Windows update management, thats why i...
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 是 如果按如下所示配置产品和分类,则此更新将自动与 WSUS 同步: 产品:Windows 10 分类:升级 先决条件 在使用启用包更新到 Windows 10 版本 22H2 之前,必须运行Windows 10版本 2004、20H2 或 21H1。 在应用此更新之前,必须先...
五、如果想恢复到正常的win10更新,可以仿照之前的步骤,运行如下的恢复代码。将如下恢复代码复制到文本文档,另存为reg文件,双击运行即可恢复。 Windows Registry Editor Version5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings]'FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays'=-'PauseFeatureUpdatesStartTime'=-'Pause...
I have deployed Windows 10 22H2 feature update through Intune and I want to verify that the deployed machines have been updated? I am deploying it through groups of devices. How can I verify? In OVERVIEW in INTUNE it does not show anything like how many devices ...
借助Intune 中Windows 10和更高版本的功能更新,可以选择 Windows功能更新设备要保留的版本,如 Windows 10 版本 1909 或 Windows 11 版本。 Intune 支持将功能级别设置为在创建策略时仍受支持的任何版本。 还可以使用功能更新策略将运行Windows 10的设备升级到 Windows 11。
I have deployed Windows 10 22H2 feature update through Intune and I want to verify that the deployed machines have been updated? I am deploying it through groups of devices. How can I verify? In OVERVIEW in INTUNE it does not show anything like how many devices h...