Cannot logon to Windows 10 with domain credentials Cannot mount ISO files (neither via PowerShell nor via Explorer), Win10 pro 1909, error 0x80070079 Cannot open mmc.exe "Class not registered" Cannot paste the tab(\t) symbol in Command Window Cannot reconnect to Hyper-V VM once initial RD...
LogViewer 公用程式可以操作 .lgv 檔案,這是記錄器工具所產生的壓縮記錄檔。 若要載入檔案,只要透過 Windows 檔案總管或從命令提示字元視窗啟動Logviewer.exe。 剖析資訊清單檔案需要一些時間。 完成後,您可以叫用檔案 |開啟並選取所需的 .lgv 檔案。
Subject: Help Needed with Persistent Game Crashes and nvlddmkm Error Dear Microsoft Support, I am experiencing persistent game crashes on my system, accompanied by the following error message in Event Viewer: Error Source: nvlddmkm Event ID: 153 … Windows 10 Windows 10 A Microsoft operating sy...
Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 20 -EntryType Error Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1. Where do I find information about my computer crashing? Ans.You can use Event viewer which is an in-built app in Windows 10, you can also use reliability monitor which is a user-friendly applica...
improve security and compliance as you monitor that settings don’t drift from your intent. Learn how you can use the Microsoft Intune Settings Catalog to manage Config Refresh and troubleshoot it in the Event Viewer. Find more details inIntro to Config Refresh – a refreshingly new MDM ...
If, after removing the update, the computer no longer shows a BSoB error,block the update or driverto prevent Windows 10 from reinstalling it automatically until a newer update becomes available. Troubleshoot bug check with Event Viewer
If the Event Viewer logs are missing in Windows 11/10, follow the solutions mentioned below. Restart Windows Event Log Run System File Checker Check on specific log settings You will need admin permission to configure and change things here. ...
I'm working on a small on-premise Windows network. One Windows 2019 server (DSDC), one Windows 2007 Server (DC), five Windows 10 Pc's. All servers and...
5.2.3 Compilers: Debugging Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Applications with Kernel Debugger Active May Result In an Error When debugging WPF applications, the following error message may appear: Debugging is not possible because a kernel debugger is enabled on the system. ...
Where to get Logger and LogViewer In this section See also TheLoggerandLogViewertools provide an alternative to standard user-mode debugging. Logger can monitor the actions of a user-mode target application and record all of its API calls. The resulting information can be displayed in the debug...