3.安装或修复相关的运行库:错误 "0xc000007b" 通常与缺少或损坏的运行库文件有关。尝试安装或修复 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 包和 .NET Framework,因为许多应用程序依赖于这些库文件。4.使用dll修复工具:在电脑浏览器顶部输入:dll修复工具.top【按下键盘的Enter回车键打开】点击dll修复工具下载。(亲...
1、如果解决不了,可能是因为我们的系统缺少了部分运行文件。 2、大家如果能够找到一个相同系统的电脑,可以进入“C:\Windows\System32\drivers”文件夹。 3、然后在其中找到缺少的文件,将可以运行电脑的文件复制粘贴进我们的电脑即可。 方法三: 如果我们替换文件、修改硬盘模式都无法解决,那就只能重装系统了。 读到这...
5、然后点击“开始修复”,等待软件自动修复完成。 6、完成后只要退出pe系统,就可以解决0xc00007b问题了。 方法三: 要是上面两个方法都解决不了,那么就只能通过重装系统来解决了。
Brand new Windows 10 PC, brand new Adobe Creative Cloud account. Works fine for 1 week than upon booting up today I get this error code 0xc000007b on every Adobe application. Anyone got a fix for this that a layman can understand?
这种情况可以将硬盘模式设置为IDE再试。1、开机按DEL进入bios设置。2、选择Advanced选项卡。3、SATA Configuration :SATA接口的兼容选项,选择后进入SATA Configuration设置界面。4、将SATA Mode设置为IDE,F10保存重启电脑即可。
0xc00007b error means the application was unable to start correctly. Please reinstall proper version of your game to see the result, and run the "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" command to scan and repair the system components. ...
There are certain applications, especially Games for which DirectX software is mandatory. An older version of DirectX software on your system may be responsible for error code 0xc00007b. In order to fix error 0xc00007b, you need to download and install the latest version of DirectX. ...
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Review this page for solutions to the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom error 'Unable to start correctly (0Xc000007b)'.
the error is 0xc00007b 0 answers andalib member posts: 57 enthusiast october 2021 prolly you downloaded crack and microsoft defender blocked all of those cracked stuff so you can go to defender settings and restore the detected apps from there...if it doesnt work run chkdsk with admi...