Windows 10 is inching closer to its end-of-life on October 14th, 2025. As a result we’ve seen a significant shift in Windows 11 adoption, however, moving to Windows 11 is not the only way to successfully mitigate the end-of-life (EOL). Microsoft also still has Long-Term Servicing Ch...
✅ Windows 10 end of "Life":I hope I picked the right community to get some good answers.I got notified by a local computer repair / computer builder about a month ago that...
What is Windows 10 end of life? End of life and end of support are terms that refer to the end of technical support and security updates for Windows 10. After 10 years, this older version of Windows will no longer receive free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or...
Windows 10 Version 1511:This version of Windows 10, released in November 2015, was discontinued on October 10, 2017. However, Enterprise and Education editions for version 1511 still received security updates 6 months after this date (March 2018 was over). ...
It is speculatedthat the Windows 10 Mobile End of Life date was delayed to align the date with the Windows 7 SP1 End of Life date. Of course, the small postponement does not mean if you are still on the OS it is not time to switch.See our guide herefor the best devices to make ...
Windows 10 driver for end-of-life PL-2303 chipsets. About Prolific PL-2303 USB-to-Serial driver, version (12-03-2010). Compatible with unsupported end-of-life microchip versions (PL-2303HXA and PL-2303XA). This is a script-based installer that can either add or remove this ...
此页面列出了从 Windows 10、Windows 8.1 和 Windows 7 轻松过渡到 Windows 11 所需的信息、工具和提示。 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 7 对Windows 7 的支持已终止 历经10 年,对 Windows 7 的安全更新和技术支持于 2020 年 1 月 14 日终止。我们明白,变更可能不容易,但我们随时乐意帮助您轻松采取后续步...
在未推迟安装功能更新的设备上,Windows 10 后续的半年频道或正式发布频道版本可能会在终止日期之前自动提供和安装。 并非所有 Windows 10 版本都可用更新延迟4。 请参阅 Windows 即服务 (WaaS) 和Windows 10 版本信息页面,以分别了解与发布频道相关的信息以及其他更新详细信息。 并非功能更新中的所有功能在所有设备上...
2023.10.10 ,2012/2012R2也end of life了,主流系统现在是server2022 一些功能只有最新版win10/win11和server2022才有 ...
These versions remain supported until either the version of .NET reaches end-of-support or the version of Windows reaches end-of-life. Tip As a reminder, this table applies to modern .NET (as opposed to .NET Framework). To install .NET Framework, see the .NET Framework Installation guide...