If you seeblurry text, fonts or apps in Windows 11 or Windows 10, then this post will help you resolve the issue. Many users these days own devices with a high DPI display. DPI stands for Dots per Inch and describes the resolution of the displays. Some users, while running various desk...
So if you still have blurry fonts after the Creators Update, you can use this DPI Fix to make them razor sharp. Welcome. This page is only intended to help you with the DPI Scaling forWindows 10if you have blurry fonts on high DPI. ...
1. Search for the particular app for which you are facing the blurry font problem in windows 10 search box. 2. Right click on the app and chooseopen file location. 3. Right Click on the app and click onproperties. 4. Click onCompatibilityTab. 5. Click onchange high DPI settings. 6. ...
This fix simple tells Windows 10 to use the original DPI scaling as it was in Windows Vista, ...
This is the golden age of crisp, high-resolution displays. So it can be quite irritating when Windows 10 presents you with blurry text! Unless you’ve forgotten to wear your glasses, it’s usually a setting that’s gone awry. So here’s how to fix those
最好方法:Windows 10 DPI blurry / fuzzy text font fix 我试过很多种方法,包括调124%,改字体,通通没用 用这个小工具完美解决问题,就是改回以前win7的样子 发布于 2017-03-01 18:34 AI 总结 Windows比例放大125%,软件不清晰的问题如何解决? 已引用 8 位答主的内容 查看AI 回答 1 肯德基启动两年来...
Fix Blurry Text in Windows 10 Once you try to scale the DPI to 125% or try to set any custom DPI, you will start facing this problem. The worst part is that it’s not just limited to system application, but it also makes your internet browsing a nightmare because now you won’t be...
Step 4:Enable the ‘Let Windows try to fix apps, so they are not blurry’ toggle. Close the apps on which you are facing issues and relaunch it. 2. Check for the Overall Windows DPI Settings Blurry text in Windows 10 may be a scaling issue. You can take the steps below to check ...
How to fix blurry fonts in Windows 10 Another thing you can try is reduce your DPI settings to 100%. Here is how: Open the Settings app. Go to System - Display. Set the trackbar for "Change the size of text, apps and other items:" to the left position. The value should be "100...
Why is my wallpaper blurry on Windows 10? Blurry wallpapers on Windows 10 can occur if the image resolution doesn’t match the screen resolution. Adjusting your wallpaper settings or using a higher-resolution image can often solve this problem. ...