把遥测选项配置为“基本”可减少Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry运行的频率和工作量。 把“允许遥测”配置为“已禁用”即可禁用Win10遥测功能,从而阻止Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry运行。
相信很多人跟我一样总被Compatibility Telemetry(CompatTelRunner.exe) 占用硬盘100%困扰,Compatibility Telemetry翻译过来就是“微软兼容性检测”的意思,找了半天终于找到了干掉这个兼容性检测的办法。 禁用服务 控制面板–管理工具 — 服务 — 手动(或者禁止,我是手动了,怕以后有需要,如果手动不能解决只能选择禁用) Co...
But, there is a downside here: Microsoft compatibility telemetry uses many resources in its work and leads to high CPU and high disk usage, so your computer may begin to slow and even freeze. These events can bother you and interfere with normal computer work. Therefore, you may ask: is ...
相信很多人跟我一样总被Compatibility Telemetry(CompatTelRunner.exe) 占用硬盘100%困扰,Compatibility Telemetry翻译过来就是“微软兼容性检测”的意思,找了半天终于找到了干掉这个兼容性检测的办法。 禁用服务 控制面板–管理工具 — 服务 — 手动(或者禁止,我是手动了,怕以后有需要,如果手动不能解决只能选择禁用) Co...
CompatTelRunner.exe is also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry. This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience and fixpotential errors. This is normally enabled by default but there is a way to disable it. ...
Windows 10 版本 1809 基本層級會收集一組有限的資訊,對於了解裝置和其設定很重要,包括基本裝置資訊、品質相關資訊、App 相容性及 Microsoft Store。 當層級設定為基本時,也會包括安全性層級資訊。基本層級有助於識別在特定裝置的硬體或軟體設定上發生的問題。 例如,它可以協助判斷在含有特定記憶體量的裝置,或者正在...
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="telemetry_microsoft10.com" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="telemetry_microsoft11.com" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes ...
4. 重启设备。 以上就是“windows Microsoft compatibility telemetry占用资源高如何解决”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家阅读完这篇文章都有很大的收获,小编每天都会为大家更新不同的知识,如果还想学习更多的知识,请关注亿速云行业资讯频道。
Fix 1. Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Windows 11/10 When you are suffering from Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry high disk usage or high CPU problem, try to disable CompatTelRunner.exe on Windows 10 in a few ways. 1. Disable Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser via Task Scheduler...
Then, in the middle of the window, right click onMicrosoft Compatibility Appraiseto edit its settings. Here you have the option to completly disable this (which I do not recommend!) or at least set the start condition, e.g. allow it to start only if the computer was idle for more than...