Given Windows 10 workstations, (Home, Pro, etc) -- that are not connected to an Active Directory domain ...What is the appropriate, documented way, to create local service accounts?Using the Command Prompt? Using Powershell? Using "control userpasswords2" Using the compmgmt.msc snapin?
使用Winget 安裝 PowerShell(建議) Winget,Windows 封裝管理員,是一種命令行工具,可讓使用者探索、安裝、升級、移除及設定 Windows 用戶端電腦上的應用程式。 此工具是 Windows 封裝管理員服務的用戶端介面。winget命令行工具預設會搭配 Windows 11 和新式 Windows 10 版本作為應用程式安裝程式。
AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access Rights to perform the operation AD Powershell command for deleted users AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid ...
New-LocalUser -Name $NewUsername -Password $SecurePassword -AccountNeverExpires -PasswordNeverExpires -UserMayNotChangePassword 方法四、PS脚本创建用户及用户组 (2) powershell 批量添加用户并设置所属用户组 # 假设已经有了用户组"IT_Staff" $GroupName = "IT_Staff" # 创建用户并添加到用户组的函数 func...
#Use PowerShell to create an SSH tunnel for a Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) to another computer with OpenSSH-Server installed #Just the code: Start-Process ssh -ArgumentList "-N -L -l sshuser" -Verb open ...
object will// define when the PowerShell job is scheduled to run. For this// example we will create a trigger to run the job just one time// 20 seconds after the trigger object is created.// Note: If you are stepping through this code in a debugger you// ...
$netObject = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo( “C:\boot.ini”) # Create an instance of FileInfo # representing c:\boot.ini 请注意,“#”在 Windows PowerShell 中用于表示行内注释。使用此新实例化的 FileInfo 对象,只要键入以下代码即可轻松获得 boot.ini 的大小: ...
powershell脚本如下: #生成隐藏用户脚本,需要管理员权限运行 1#Usage:CreateUser.ps1 <username> <password>2#用户名使用$结尾3#创建的用户在计算机管理界面,net user,登陆界面不可见.当隐藏用户处于登陆状态时,用户在登陆界面可见4param(5[string] $user,6[string] $pwd7)8$adsi = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:COM...
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%UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1This is for the current user only and only for the Microsoft.PowerShell shell. These profiles aren't created by default. They exist only if you create them. Each hosting application is responsible for loading and executi...