1.按住WIN+R, 输入cmd,点击确定 2.默认进入 3.需要从C盘该目录切换至 E:\jenkins,直接输入 cd E:\jenkins,enter 此时看 并未进入到E:\jenkins,此时需要在执行 e: 4.强制由C盘切换到E盘,直接使用此命令 E: ,不用加cd (cd -change directory 主要是切换目录) 目前在cmd命令行常用的命令1.切换磁盘 E:...
1、CMD命令是一种命令提示符,CMD是command的缩写,也叫命令提示符 2、cmd位于C:\Windows\System32的目录下 二、常用命令 1、ipconfig---查看网络配置 2、calc---调用Windows计算器 3、ping---测试网络是否通畅 4、shutdown---关机相关命令 例如shutdown -s -t 60 将在一分钟之内关闭计算机 5、tracert---...
Command cd or “Change Directory” is a navigation command and helps you change a directory (change folder) on the command line. The “CD\” or “cd” command can move the user to the top of the directory tree (to the root drive), that is, to the C: drive. The command entry can...
.. To change the directory you can just type cd and type your desired directory which is present inside the current directory... If you wan to go to other drive like from c:\ to (your drive letter):\ type on cmd: example:C:\Users\user>d: 复制...
21.注意某些时候的命令,需要用管理员运行cmd才可以执行 二、快捷命令 1. 打开Windows服务:services.msc 2. 打开画板:mspaint 3. 打开计算器:calc 4. 打开屏幕键盘:osk 5. 剪切板查看器:clipbrd 6. 打开资源管理器:explorer 7. 打开任务管理器:taskmgr 8. 事件查看器:eventvmr 9. 造字程序:eudcedit ...
MD- Create Directory. pushd- Change Directory. RD- Delete directory or entire directory tree. How-to:Long filenames, NTFS and legal filename characters. Q156276- Cmd does not support UNC names as the current directory. Equivalent PowerShell:Set-Location- Set the current working location. ...
First, type "cmd" in the Windows Search bar to open Command Prompt, and then select "Command Prompt" from the search results. With Command Prompt opened, you're ready to change directories. Change Directories Using the Drag-and-Drop Method If the folder you want to open in Command Prompt...
To change the current directory to a different drive in CMD, simply enter thedrive letter. For example, the command below will change to D: drive. d: Tip: To view a list of all folders (sub-directories) in the current directory in CMD, enter “dir” in Command Prompt. ...
CD - Change directory. CMD - UNC options. PROMPT - Display the level of the PUSHD stack ($+). Equivalent PowerShell: Push-Location - Push a location to the stack (pushd). Equivalent PowerShell: cd - Jump to the previous working directory. Equivalent bash command (Linux): pushd - Save...