To decrease the battery consumption, please close all unnecessary applications. You can do so via Windows Task Manager: How to use Task Manager to check system performance. Reduce the screen brightness: Reduce the screen brightness is an effective way to increase the battery life. Turn off the ...
Turn off device display afterChoose how many minutes of inactivity before device display turns off. Applies to devices plugged in and on battery. Put device to sleep afterChoose how many minutes of inactivity before device transitions to sleep. Applies to devices plugged in and on battery. ...
For better maximum resolution with high DPI displays, see Enabling high DPI display for WorkSpaces. To use multiple monitors with WorkSpaces Configure your local machine to use multiple monitors. For more information, see How to use multiple monitors in Windows 10 in the Microsoft documentation. ...
DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_LID_STATE DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_LID_STATE provides the lid state of the target to the operating system (OS) when it is gathering nonintrusive display diagnostic information. DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_LINK_STATE DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_LINK_STATE provides the display link state of the target to...
Adjust the amount of time to turn off the screenon battery power③. The battery life can be extended significantly by selecting a shorter display idle timeout. Adjust the amount of time to go to sleepon battery power④. If the device is idle and you are not using it, Windows will automa...
Check the action ofWhen I press the power buttonandWhen I close the lidto meet your requirements⑨. Note: Desktop computers, All-in-One PCs, and gaming handhelds do not have the 「When I close the lid」 setting. If the hibernate option is not available as default in your device, click...
In Advanced slideshow settings - there is a setting: 'When my PC is inactive, show lock screen instead of turning off the screen' that was set to ON, change it to OFF. Please Note: Since the...
Can I close my laptop while using a monitor with Windows? Yes, you can use it, and it’s a common practice. When you close the lid down while the monitor is connected, Windows automatically detects the monitor and turns off the laptop’s display. All open windows on the laptop’s disp...
-close the lid on the laptop (laptop display is off), set the display to go to sleep after 1 min.-in the remote session, open notepad on the laptop, drag the window around, you can see that it doesn't lag. After 1 min, the display goes to sleep even though it is already off...
Turn off backlit on your Surface Type Cover – Backlit on your Surface Type cover is also a minor part of battery draining; you can turn it off to get extra battery life for your Surface Pro 4. Close background power-hungry processes –Some CPU-intensive processes appear to run in the ...