ClearType on Windows CE implements only a vertical striping algorithm. The vertical striping algorithm works well on vertically striped or horizontally striped LCD screens. When the screen is rotated, it still displays ClearType by using the vertical striping algorithm. Because of this, ClearType is...
比尔·希尔是这里的版式/高级阅读技术组负责人,他谈到 了 ClearType ,以及为什么它对每个人都不起作用。 他还谈到为什么使用 ClearType 优化器来“优化”ClearType(你需要 Windows XP 才能使用 ClearType)非常重要。 有关 ClearType 的详细信息,请访问 ClearType 网站
在Windows 终端下拉菜单中选择设置,打开配置文件。 或者你可以在以下路径找到设置 JSON 文件 终端(稳定版/通用版):%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json 终端(预览版):%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\sett...
Necessity: OptionalAccepts: "grayscale", "cleartype", "aliased"Default value: "grayscale"AltGr aliasingThis allows you to control if Windows Terminal will treat Ctrl+Alt as an alias for AltGr.Property name: altGrAliasingNecessity: OptionalAccepts: true, false...
launchMode:启动模式。可以是"default":默认窗口,或"maximized":最大化窗口。 rowsToScroll:控制鼠标滚轮滚动一格页面所滚动的行数。设置为0或"system"会跟随系统设置。 1.2、启动环境配置 profiles 作为一款终端,Windows Terminal 可以连接各种不同的 shell。安装后,Windows Terminal 已经为我们配置好了 PowerShell、cmd...
Desktop icon settings Thanks to the “Desktop icon settings” link on the Themes Settings screen, you can specify which standard icons sit on your desktop for easy access and what they look like. (Or type desktop icons into the search box; in the results list, choose “Themes and related ...
15、修改Windows XP的登录背景图案:面对长久不变的单调的登录图案,你可能日久生厌,我们可以通过注册表来把它换成自己喜欢的图案,步骤如下:打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop子键分支,双击wallpaper,键入你选择好的图片的路径,如:c:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Pictures\...
In Windows 10, a few simplified cursor-shape options await in the newfangled Settings program (The Settings App). Begin by clicking Mouse pointer settings in the Themes Settings box. (If you’re not already there, open the Start menu and type mouse pointer; in the results list, choose “...
As of Windows 10 1903, pages 3-5 of Windows' built-in ClearType tuner have no effect on text rendering. Therefore, these settings were omitted from this program. This program assigns sane default values to the affected registry keys so that if they begin working again in the future, ......
Gets the font smoothing contrast value used in ClearType smoothing. FontSmoothingType Gets the current type of font smoothing. FrameBorderSize Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the resizing border that is drawn around the perimeter of a window that is being drag resized. HighContrast Gets a...