1 打开桌面的控制面板菜单,找到Change and Region栏目下的Clock and Region按钮 2 在打开的设置窗口中点击Administrative选项 3 下滑找到Change system locale...按钮 4 最后在下拉菜单中勾选Chinese语言格式即可
1 1.打开桌面的控制面板菜单,找到Change and Region栏目下的Clock and Region按钮 2 2.在打开的设置窗口中点击Administrative选项 3 3.鼠标滚动下拉,找到Change system locale...按钮 4 4.最后在下拉菜单中勾选Chinese语言格式即可
单击“Region”区域下的“Change date, time, or number formats”。 单击“Administrative”页签,单击“Change system locale...”。 图6-3 更改系统区域设置配置“Current system locale”为“Chinese(Simplified, China)”。不要勾选“Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support”。 图6-4 配置...
Settings的Region处,点右边的Administrative language settings(管理语言设置),点Change system locale(更改系统区域),选Chinese,然后注销/重启。这样会把活动代码页设置为GBK。 此项设置会影响记事本(以及其它使用ANSI的程序)的默认编码,这个大家都知道。但它还会影响系统级字体的Fallback。当代码页为GBK时,中文会优先使...
To change the System Locale in Windows 10, do the following. Open Settings. Go to Time & Language. On the left, click on Language. In the right pane, click on the Administrative language settings link. In the Region dialog, click on the Administrative tab. Under the Language for non-Uni...
8 出现 Region 对话框,继续点击切换至“Administrative”(管理)选项卡,选择“change system locale….”9 此时,我们看到Current system locale: English(United States)10 从下拉菜单中选择“Chinese(Simplified,China),点击 OK 。11 弹出一个对话框,提示重启,我们保存好自己工作(比如我这会儿正在编辑百度经验,...
5、点击按钮“Change system locale...”,会弹出对话框。 6、Current system locale当前选择有英文语言,如果要切换到中文简体选择Chinese(Simplified,China),如果要切换到中文繁体选择Chinese(Traditional,Hong Kong S.A.R.)。我选择Chinese(Simplified,China)。
wrong language displayed on a console after you change the system locale. host process of Windows Remote Management (WinRM) can stop working when it formats messages from a PowerShell plugin. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service caused a heap leak each time security settings are applied...
The language for non-Unicode programs is a per-system setting.Users can change the system locale by using the Administrative tab in the Region and Language item in Control Panel.For the list of supported languages, locales, and identifiers, see Supported Language Packs and Default Settings....
After Windows 10 Update to version 1903, my Print Spooler fails to start Alarms & Clock Apps missing in windows 10 All system settings crashes with Immersive Control Panel and Windows.UI.Xaml.dll Allow creation of Symbolic Links to none Administrators Allow users to change time zone settings...