然后,在亮度和颜色下,调整“更改亮度”滑块以固定亮度。 Windows 10监视器亮度滑块完全缩短了此过程。免费的应用程序只需添加一个音量滑块来改变显示器的亮度。除此之外,它还会在任务栏空间中放置一个屏幕亮度图标,以便快速访问。 如何将亮度滑块添加到Windows 10 首先,访问Brightness Slider的官方页面并点击下载按钮该...
6. BrightnessSlider 地址:https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N1HLKD45FRR BrightnessSlider的功能同样与亮度有关,但在亮度滑杆之外,还增加了一个电池电量显示。其实这两项功能Win10自身也支持,只不过都需要额外点击鼠标才能完成,实在不明白为何微软要把这些一步完成的操作,分成几步搞定。顺道说一句,Bright...
Also, you could usereliable screen brightness softwareand exercise higher control over it on the PC. These solutions should help you if your Windows 10 brightness slider is not working. Try our tips, and let us know if your screen is ready to shine again....
The brightness slider is a little built-in tool in Windows systems 10 and 11. However, if your brightness slider is missing, you may find it inconvenient to adjust your PC brightness to fit your various daily needs. This article will introduce 7 fixes for this problem. And hopefully, you’...
How to Turn Off Auto Brightness in Windows 10 Windows 10 handles adaptive brightness slightly differently than Windows 11. The process involves accessing power settings through several methods. We’ll cover multiple approaches to ensure you can disable this feature regardless of your device configuration...
Brightness Slider is fully compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10 operating system. You might also like toturn on or off auto or adaptive screen brightness in Windows 10. Download Brightness Slider
The possible reasons why the brightness slider is not working on Windows can be outdated or corrupted display drivers, malfunctioning hardware, or a software issue. By Steve Ballmer - March 16, 2022 The laptop’s brightness setting has been screwed after Windows 10 Update? While trying to adjust...
If the Windows 10 brightness slider is missing, you may be stuck with an unacceptable level. This problem might be a problematic driver or the TeamViewer app. A solution for the missing brightness option is to update your drivers using a dedicated tool. ...
Open theAction Center>Expand> move thebrightness sliderright or left to achieve desired brightness. To turn down brightness in Windows 10, move the slider left. To increase it, move the slider right. Exiting the Action Center saves the brightness setting. ...
Brightness Slider not working in Windows 11 or 10 Way-1: Update Display Adapter Driver Way-2: Reinstall Display Driver Way-3: Use the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter Way-4: Run Power Troubleshooter Way-5: Restore Default Power Options Settings ...