蓝屏频率下降,但还是有,后来用windbg和bluescreen viewer软件分析之后确定是驱动的问题,上传至微软官方社...
Viewer.Check the system log in Event Viewer for other error messages that might help pinpoint the device or driver that's causing the error. For more information, seeOpen Event Viewer. Look for critical errors in the system log that occurred in the same time frame as the blue scr...
然后找到IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器项,然后在属性菜单中手动更新它的驱动程序。
Windows 11Windows 10 You’re invited to try Microsoft 365 for free Unlock now Blue Screen errors (also calledbug checks,STOP code errors,kernel errors, or BSOD errors) can occur if a serious problem causes Windows to shut down or restart unexpectedly to protect itself from data loss. You mi...
7) Bluescreen viewer: 第三方蓝屏分析工具, 1.4. 基本方法论 1.4.1. 常见排错思路 1.4.2. 应用程序时无响应或异常退出 应用程序无响应可能的原因: 1) 程序内部有死锁 2) 在等待另一个程序或组件 3) 等待内核响应 4) 等待磁盘或其他硬件 应用程序异常退出可能的原因: 1) 访问非法地址 2) 除0 3) 用户...
, a re install of windows is probably the best bet, to be honest i've never seen a blue screen do that 1 member posts: 64 enthusiast leostat said: what application? it could have had some malware in with it which is messing up the system. in the event viewer is there the event ...
传dump文件或者自己用bluescreenviewer软件看 贴吧用户_QJAJXy5 默默无闻 1 从没有遇到过 For丶温少 默默无闻 1 我也是这样,咋弄啊 XUANDaMia 默默无闻 1 我也是!!!更新完后就这样了 还卡在100%一直没动静 重启后又蓝屏 !!!用了一年多 以前从没出现这种问题 -淡- 颇具名气 6 哈哈哈...
BSODs are usually caused by faulty or outdated drivers. The stop code indicates which driver or which process led to the BSOD (blue screen of death). Without knowledge of this, it is very difficult to help. With a small tool (Bluescreenviewer) you can read out some more information ...
Windows 10 Security Windows 10:A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Security:The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat. 2,914 questions 3 answers Windows tool to analyze Memory Dump afer Bluescreen crash ...
Bootcamp windows 10 freeze and blue screen after plugged out the power I'm getting the same issue as this guy, using macbook air 2013 as well. Bootcamp windows hang without plugging in - Apple Community My windows version is 1803 and bootcamp 6 driver is installed. Already tried SMC and...