Census.Battery此事件會傳送有關裝置上電池的類型和容量資料,以及使用中的連線待命裝置數目和類型。 此事件收集的資料是用於協助讓 Windows 保持安全及最新狀態。以下是可用欄位:InternalBatteryCapablities 代表電池功能的資訊。 InternalBatteryCapacityCurrent 代表電池目前充電完成的容量 (以 mWh 為單位) (或相對)。
For Diagnostics: PseudonymizedDevice, Connectivity, and Configuration data from Windows 10 and Windows 11 is used by Microsoft toprovideandimproveWindows 10 and Windows 11 and related Microsoft products and services. For example: Device, Connectivity, and Configuration data is used to understand the un...
Battery attributes, such as capacity and type Networking attributes, such as number of network adapters, speed of network adapters, mobile operator network, and IMEI number Processor and memory attributes, such as number of cores, architecture, speed, memory size, and firmware ...
Wn10 的命令行工具可以调用内置的电源配置工具直接导出电池报告,不需要另外安装第三方程序。 按Win徽标键+X,弹出菜单后按 i 启动powershell(管理员权限); 输入命令 powercfg/batteryreport 该命令会在用户目录下生成html格式的报告文件,按显示路径找到文件打开即可。 电池当前完全充电容量 FULL CHARGE CAPACITY 可在其中...
Information about the impact of device characteristics, configuration, and app activity on device health (for example on battery life) is used to analyze and make changes that improve the performance of Windows devices. Aggregate information about browsing history in Microsoft browsers ...
(1)Battery(电池节能)选项。 在将电池节能模式设置为User Setting时,会出现一些隐藏的选项。用户可根据具体需要设置这些选项。 将Processor Speed设为High,将保持CPU速度为最高。 将CPU Sleep Mode(CPU睡眠模式)设为Disable,可以避免CPU进入睡眠模式而拖慢系统速度。 LCD Brightness是系统默认的液晶屏亮度设置,有Semi...
Battery - charge capacity and InstantOn support Hardware chassis type, color, and form factor Is this machine a virtual machine? Device capabilities subtype:Information about the capabilities of the device Camera - whether the device has a front facing camera, a rear facing camera, or both. ...
Device diagnosticshas been pending for a while,what should I do?–Best practice is to ensure the devicecancommunicate with the service.Forcing a device check-in will ensure the device is able toreach the Intune service.If the device can reach the servic...
节电模式设置ms-settings:batterysaver-settings(仅具有电池的设备可用,例如平板电脑) 电池使用ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails(仅具有电池的设备可用,例如平板电脑) 剪贴板ms-settings:clipboard 显示ms-settings:display 默认保存位置ms-settings:savelocations ...
/BATTERYREPORT 生成电池使用情况的报告。 /SLEEPSTUDY 生成系统电源转换的诊断报告。 /SYSTEMSLEEPDIAGNOSTICS 系统睡眠诊断报告已弃用且 替换为系统电源报告。请使用命令 改用"powercfg /systempowerreport"。 /SYSTEMPOWERREPORT 生成系统电源转换的诊断报告。