定義windows.backgroundTasks類型的應用程式擴充點。 背景工作會在專用背景主機中執行;也就是說,沒有 UI。元素階層<套件><應用程式><Application><Application><延伸模組><擴展><BackgroundTasks>語法XML 複製 <BackgroundTasks ServerName = 'An optional alphanumeric string with a value between 1 and 255 ...
BackgroundTasks 定義windows.backgroundTasks 類型的應用程式擴充點。 背景工作會在專用的背景主機中執行;也就是說,沒有UI。 功能 宣告對套件所需受保護用戶資源的存取權。 功能 宣告封裝所需的功能。 憑證 與套件搭配使用的憑證,並放在系統證書存儲中。 憑證 宣告windows.certificates 類型的套件擴充點 。 應用程式...
<BackgroundTasks> Syntax XML <BackgroundTasksServerName='An optional alphanumeric string with a value between 1 and 255 characters in length. Must begin with a letter.'uap4:SupportsMultipleInstances='A boolean value.'><!-- Child elements -->Task{1,17}, uap:Task{1,17}</BackgroundTasks>...
<BackgroundTasks ServerName = 'An optional alphanumeric string with a value between 1 and 255 characters in length. Must begin with a letter.' uap4:SupportsMultipleInstances = 'A boolean value.' > <!-- Child elements --> Task{1,17}, uap:Task{1,17} </BackgroundTasks> Key...
* CompletionGroup - 获取关联的 BackgroundTransferCompletionGroup 对象 * * *注:需要在 Package.appxmanifest 添加“后台任务”声明,支持的任务类型选择“系统事件”,并指定 EntryPoint(后台任务的类全名),类似如下: * <Extension Category="windows.backgroundTasks" EntryPoint="BackgroundTaskLib.BackgroundTaskTransf...
* 1、需要引用后台任务项目,相关代码参见 BackgroundTaskLib/BackgroundTaskDemo.cs * 2、需要在 Package.appxmanifest 添加“后台任务”声明,支持的任务类型选择“系统事件”,并指定 EntryPoint(后台任务的类全名),类似如下: * <Extension Category="windows.backgroundTasks" EntryPoint="BackgroundTaskLib.Background...
* 在用户设置的免打扰时间内,所有后台任务均暂停(来电和闹钟例外),免打扰时间过后,后台任务将随机在不同时间点启动*/usingSystem;usingSystem.Threading.Tasks;usingWindows.ApplicationModel.Background;usingWindows.Storage;namespaceBackgroundTaskLib {//实现 IBackgroundTask 接口,其只有一个方法,即 Run()publicseal...
Windows infrastructure service that controls which background tasks can run on the system. Default SettingsStartup type: Automatic Display name: Background Tasks Infrastructure Service Service name: BrokerInfrastructure Service type: share Error control: normal Group: COM Infrastructure Object: LocalSystem...
Background Execution is not guaranteed, so it is not suitable for critical functions and features. The OS has a limitation as to how many background tasks can run at the same time. So even when trigger is fired and conditions are met, the task can still not run. ...
1. Select your Windows 10 edition and release, and then click on the Download button below.2. Save the RestoreBackgroundTasksInfrastructureServiceWindows10.bat file to any folder on your hard drive.3. Right-click the downloaded batch file and select Run as administrator....