Download the Windows ADK 10.1.26100.1 (May 2024) Download the Windows PE add-on for the Windows ADK 10.1.26100.1 (May 2024) What's new in the Windows ADK For Windows 10 IoT Core, alsodownload the IoT Core Add-Ins. For previous versions of the ADK, seeOther ADK downloads ...
Download the version of Windows ADK for Windows 10 that matches the version of Windows 10 you are working with. If you're using the ADK for Windows 10, version 1809, you'll also have to download and install the WinPE addon for the ADK. Drivers We also discuss ...
Windows PE add-on for the ADK:v2004 Windows AD环境请参考:安装 Active Directory域服务 官方文档 安装 创建域账户:ITPro\MDT_BA作为MDT服务器ITPro-MDT01的服务账户,将其加为本地管理员组并登录; 安装Windows10 ADK v2004; 安装WinPE Addon for Windows10 ADK v2004; 安装MDT v8456 配置服务账户 安装Win...
Windows 10 版本 1809 ADK -optional的 Windows PE 附加元件,只有在您新增復原機制時才需要。 只有在您從原始程式碼編譯驅動程式時才需要Windows 驅動程式套件 (WDK)-optional。 Windows 10 IoT 核心版套件- .iso 套件會新增用來建立 IoT 核心版映射的 IoT 核心套件和功能資訊清單。 根據預設,這些套...
The 1903 ADK fails to create a catalog for the Windows 10 Pro 1809 install.wim file.10:29 AM : This application requires version 10.0.18362.1 of the Windows ADK. Install this version to correct the problem 10:30 AM : 10:30 AM : Windows SIM was unable to generate a catalog. For ...
1. OnMDT01, install Windows 10 ADK v1809 (adksetup.exe), and select the following components: Deployment Tools Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) Configuration Designer User State Migration Tool (USMT Windows ADK 10 v1809 Setup 2. Install WinPE Addon for Windows ADK 10 v1809 (adkwinpe...
By default, there is only feature that is selected here, Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). ClickInstall. Install WinPE Addon The Windows 11 ADK WinPE add-on installation is complete. You must restart your computer once after installing the ADK and WinPE add-on. ...
Step 2: Install Windows ADK PE addon and grab winpe.wim from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\en-us and rename it to boot.wim Also grab the rest of the files needed to boot from the windows installation iso/usb...
ADKPEAddon AppInstaller AppInstallerFileBuilder Azd Azure AzureCLI AzureDataStudio AzureMediaServicesExplorer AzureMonitorAgent Bicep BingWallpaper BotFrameworkComposer BotFrameworkEmulator BuildTools2015 CLRTypesSQLServer DebugDiag DeploymentToolkit DevHome DevProxy DirectX DotNet Edge EdgeDriver EdgeWebView2Runtim...
Starting with Windows 10, version 1809, Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE) is released separately from the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK). To add Windows PE to your ADK installation, you also need to download and install the Windows PE Addon after installing the ADK. This change enabl...