Azure AD is necessary for Windows 10 Enterprise E3 in CSP activation. The Azure AD account is used to access the online KMS provided by Microsoft to activate device that sign in with E3 account.Best regards,Yilia Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have ...
Totally native Powershell & remote activation: cls $computer = $env:computername $ProductKey = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName SoftwareLicensingService).OA3xOriginalProductKey if ($ProductKey) { write-debug "set $ProductKey" $service = get-wmiObject -query "select * from S...
Microsoft: Windows 10: Managing Optional Features with PowerShellYou can manage Windows Optional Features using PowerShell. To enumerate currently installed Windows Features, run the following PowerShell command:PowerShell 复制 Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online ...
PowerShell 复制 New-VMSwitch -Name poc-internal -SwitchType Internal -Notes "PoC Network" New-VMSwitch -Name poc-external -NetAdapterName (Get-NetAdapter |?{$_.Status -eq "Up" -and !$_.Virtual}).Name -Notes "PoC External" 备注 The second command above will temporarily interrupt networ...
PowerShell複製 Invoke-Command–ScriptBlock {Get-Service} –ComputerName ONE,TWO 此命令將使用 Windows PowerShell 遠端來連線至名為ONE和TWO的電腦。 每部電腦會在本機執行Get-Service,並使用遠端傳回結果。 若為互動式更高的 Windows PowerShell 遠端情況,您可以個別時體的形式...
The following command sequence shows how to remove the InlineScript value from theOutOfProcessActivityproperty and then to restore the value to the Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow session configuration by deleting the session configuration, and then running theEnable-PSRemotingcmdlet to recreate it. ...
In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command: PowerShell Install-WindowsFeaturenameNET-Framework-Core source <drive>:\sources\sxs In this command, <drive> is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For...
方法 1 - PowerShell(推荐)右键单击 Windows 开始菜单,然后选择“PowerShell”或“终端(非 CMD)”...
In Windows 11 22H2, the default app used to host console windows has been changed to Windows Terminal. After the October 2022 update, Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, and other console apps will appear inside an instance of Windows Terminal. ...
命令如下(两种方法都无效):【PowerShell】 powershell -command "&{(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,50)}" 【WMIC】 WMIC /NAMESPACE:\\root\wmi PATH WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods WHERE "Active=TRUE" CALL WmiSetBrightness Brightness=50 Timeout=0...