windows 10 pro x64 rs3 build 16299.251 pt-br march 2018 gen2 64 bitemsisoft anti-malware is a powerful anti-malware software. it protects against threats such as malware, spyware, adware, computer viruses and malicious programs. the software offers 2 main scanning types. one for deep ...
具有SP2 的 64 位版本的 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Home Server Windows 搜索 4.0 安装过程会自动升级 Windows 桌面搜索 (WDS) 2.6 及更高版本的 WDS。 如果运行的 WDS 版本早于 WDS 2.6,请在安装 Windows Search 4.0 之前使用“添加或删除程序”工具删除...
Windows 10 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 Microsoft 通常每月都将 MSRT 作为 Windows 更新的一部分或独立工具进行发布。 (有关异常,请参阅已跳过发布。) 使用此工具可查找和删除特定的流行...
获取Windows 升级和安装错误的帮助 升级或安装 Windows 11 时,可能会收到错误消息的原因有很多,但可以通过自行执行几个步骤来修复常见错误。 注意:升级后,设备从旧版 Windows(例如 Windows 7、Windows 8.1 或 Windows 10)Windows 11。 在搜索特定错误代码之前,请尝试执行“常规修复”中列出的提示。 如果这未解决你...
Fornece proteções contra uma nova subclasse de vulnerabilidades de canal lateral de execução especulativa conhecidas comoMicroarchitectural Data Sampling, para versões de 64 bits (x64) do Windows (CVE-2019-11091,CVE-2018-12126,CVE-2018-12127,CVE-2018-12130). Use as confi...
Windows 11 and Windows Server 2025 PowerShell Pesquisar Windows PowerShell PowerShell 7 compatibility in Windows Server 2025 Reference ActiveDirectory ADCSAdministration ADCSDeployment ADDSDeployment ADFS ADRMS ADRMSADMIN AppBackgroundTask AppLocker AppvClient AppvSequencer Appx AssignedAccess BestPractices...
Windows Portable Devices (WPD) enables computers to communicate with attached media and storage devices. This namespace provides methods for identifying Windows Portable Device (WPD) services and storage.
An implementation of IRandomAccessStreamWithContent type used in the Imaging namespace. PixelDataProvider Provides access to the pixel data from a bitmap frame. SoftwareBitmap Represents an uncompressed bitmap. Structs Expand table BitmapBounds Specifies a bounding rectangle. BitmapPlaneDescription Defi...
{ "packageUrl": "", "languages": ["en-us"], "architectures": ["X86"], "isSilentInstall": true, "installerParameters": "/s", "genericDocUrl": "", "errorDetails": [{ "errorScenario": "rebootRequired...
Versão Windows 11 Build 26100 IMap<K,V> IMapChangedEventArgs<K> IMapView<K,V> IObservableMap<K,V> IObservableVector<T> IPropertySet IVector<T> IVector<T> Propriedades Métodos Acrescentar Claro GetAt GetMany GetView IndexOf InsertAt ...