找到了文章 https://szqingt.github.io/2021/04/11/windows-10-update-20h2-0x80242016-%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98/ 作者找到了 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/windows-10-feature-update-20h2-consistently-fails/65d93edb-6423-43cd-a140-a3c847066380?page=3 最终得...
这个方法看起来确实很有道理,而且看回帖也帮很多人解决了问题,但是很遗憾,对我没用。 修复Win RE环境 代表链接:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv12378662 https://szqingt.github.io/2021/04/11/windows-10-update-20h2-0x80242016-%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98/ 我检查了一下,我的Win RE环境没有问题,而且原...
Hi, We have 22 workstations in our environment. All desktops are running Windows 10 enterprise 1903 build. Recently we started upgrading to 22h2 and discovered an issue on several (currently 7) systems. The update downloads and installs, but reverts back
Windows 1903 upgrade to 22h2 fails every time error 0x80242016 Hi, We have 22 workstations in our environment. All desktops are running Windows 10 enterprise 1903 build. Recently we started upgrading to 22h2 and discovered an issue on several (currently 7) systems. The update downloads and...
Windows 10 Insider Preview 10.0.18362.1 (19H1_RELEASE) amd64 2019-03上次失败的安装尝试时间 2019/3/23 - 0x80242016 丿新雨丶 闻名一方 11 丿新雨丶 闻名一方 11 好像把我的CPU误认为是AMD64了,我的CPU是 i5 7500 上帝gd 默默无闻 1 相同的错误,装了两次都没装上,还一直提示让安装 丿新雨...
Are you getting the error0x80242016while you are trying to install certain feature updates through Windows Update in Windows 10/11? If you encounter this error, then you can refer to the solutions provided in this article fromMiniTool.
WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED;所有更新的作業失敗。此錯誤的多個根本原因。最常見的問題是防病毒軟體封鎖對特定資料夾的存取(例如SoftwareDistribution)。 CBS.log判斷要保護的檔案或資料夾所需的分析。 0x8024401B 訊息描述風險降低 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ;與 HTTP 狀態 407 相同 - 需要 Proxy 驗證。
WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED; 모든 업데이트에 대한 작업이 실패했습니다.이 오류의 근본 원인은 여러 입니다.가장 일반적인 문제는 바이러스 백신 소프트웨어가 특정 폴더(예: SoftwareDistribution)에...
@SalmanAhmedThanks for your help but: Again it failed to Install the Update with Errorcode: 0x80242016 After Download, and installing the Update (Duration 60 Minutes) ive had to restart my Computer, after that Windows was configuring the Computer and lead me to my Desktop, i was not able...
Again 0x80242016 Reply Show More SalmanAhmed Steel Contributor to SickPhilNov 20, 2021 Hi SickPhil 1. Create a new local admin account, restart the computer and log in to that account. 2. Please execute the below command in cmd in elevated mode (Run As Admin): REM ...